"A Problem From Hell:" America and the Age of Genocide Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Samantha Power
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

"A Problem From Hell:" America and the Age of Genocide Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Samantha Power
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What issue plagues the genocide convention?

2. What happens on Dec. 11, 1946?

3. On what date does Raphael Lemkin die?

4. Some who are opposed to the United States' ratification of the genocide treaty think it would be used to target the United States for its treatment of __________________.

5. Lemkin realizes that for a genocide convention to be passed and ratified, he needs to appeal to the _____________ of the delegates.

Short Essay Questions

1. After escaping Germany in 1942, what did Jan Karski do with his findings gathered during his time undercover in the Warsaw ghetto and in a death camp?

2. What intrigued Raphael Lemkin about the Armenian genocide?

3. What did Lemkin do while interacting with officials and the public regarding the Holocaust that he thought would make them believe his, and others', claims about Hitler's atrocities against the Jews?

4. What does Powers say motivates U.S. policymakers to keep the U.S. uninvolved in situations when genocide occurs?

5. What was the concern that several U.S. policymakers had with the ambiguous language of the UN genocide treaty?

6. After the Vietnamese ousted the Khmer Rouge from power in 1979, what proof of genocide did they find? What was the United States' reaction to the Vietnamese-discovered evidence, and why?

7. What message did the United States government tell Morgenthau to pass on to Turkey?

8. How do we know that the United States and British governments had a great deal of intelligence on Hitler's extermination of Jews that belied their feigned ignorance of the atrocities?

9. What was Nuremberg's significance to the quest for an international law against genocide?

10. Which senator from South Dakota believed that genocide was taking place in Cambodia and wanted the United States to contribute military forces to make it stop?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Using the text to support your arguments, analyze Power's statement on page 514 about what the United States should do when it becomes aware of genocide and explain, in light of the reaction throughout the 20th century of genocide perpetrators to the measures countries took against them, whether or not, and why, you believe this level of action on the part of the United States will have any influence on future instances of genocide.

Essay Topic 2

Powers' argument in the book is that the United States has had information about all of the twentieth-century genocides and has done little to prevent or stop them. Using the text for support, compare and contrast the United States' reaction to each of the genocides in the book and then analyze whether or not Powers' argument is valid.

Essay Topic 3

Using the text as backup, investigate why, during the postwar period, the Holocaust was rarely discussed in general American society and glossed over in, if not omitted entirely from, books and films of the period. In particular, focus on the role American Jews had in encouraging this approach toward the Nazi atrocities against their people and why they did so.

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