"A Problem From Hell:" America and the Age of Genocide Test | Final Test - Medium

Samantha Power
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

"A Problem From Hell:" America and the Age of Genocide Test | Final Test - Medium

Samantha Power
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On April 16, 1994, which American newspaper reports the deaths of 1,200 Tutsi (men, women, and children) in a church building?
(a) The Washington Post.
(b) The New York Times.
(c) The Chicago Tribune.
(d) USA Today.

2. The ratification of the genocide treaty makes the U.S. ________ in its reactions to genocide.
(a) More cautious.
(b) Less cautious.
(c) Overly aggressive.
(d) More aggressive.

3. Who is Canadian Major General Romeo Dallaire?
(a) Canada's Secretary of State.
(b) Canada's ambassador to Rwanda.
(c) Commander of Canada's peacekeeping forces in Rwanda.
(d) Commander of Rwanda's UN mission.

4. In response to the bombing, Serbian forces expell 1.3 million Kosovars, _____________ of which flee to Macedonia and Albania.
(a) 1,000,000.
(b) 700,000.
(c) 500,000.
(d) 1,200,000.

5. President Clinton closes the Rwandan embassy in Washington and seizes its assets after:
(a) The Hutu gains control over most of Rwanda.
(b) Somalia invades Rwanda.
(c) The RPF gains control over most of Rwanda.
(d) Rwanda closes the U.S. embassy in Kigali.

Short Answer Questions

1. In 1994, what measure does the UN Security Council take against the Serbs?

2. How many chemical attacks take place against the Kurds throughout Iraq?

3. Senator Bob Dole introduces a bill in the U.S. Senate that calls for what measure to be taken in order to help the Muslims in the Balkans?

4. On February 18, 1986:

5. The first wave of calls for an international war crimes tribunal in the 1990s comes after:

Short Essay Questions

1. From 1987-1988, Hussein's military killed how many Kurds as it destroyed thousands of Kurdish villages?

2. Why was President Reagan's 1985 visit to Germany's Bitburg Cemetery to lay a wreath so controversial?

3. Four months after the war began in Bosnia, Helsinki Watch released a report on the situation. What details did the report contain?

4. What consequence did the State Department threaten against the Serbian soldiers?

5. In the middle of July 1995, what did journalists stationed in the Balkan region begin reporting?

6. In February, 1999, Western allies presented Milosevic with a "take-it-or-leave-it" proposal. What were the conditions of this proposal?

7. What use did the U.S. fail to make of the satellites it had in space?

8. Why was the Arusha agreement unpopular with Hutu extremists?

9. What have the Kurds demanded since 1922?

10. What would have been the consequences of including, within the U.S. version of the genocide treaty, a restriction on its jurisdiction in cases where the U.S. might be called?

(see the answer keys)

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