"A Problem From Hell:" America and the Age of Genocide Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Samantha Power
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

"A Problem From Hell:" America and the Age of Genocide Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Samantha Power
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The genocide convention needs to be ratified domestically by _______ of the UN's member states in order to become international law.
(a) Forty.
(b) Ten.
(c) Twenty.
(d) Twenty-five.

2. As information about Hitler's extermination of the Jews becomes more widespread, what is the reaction of the majority of people?
(a) They don't care.
(b) They can't believe what they are hearing and seeing.
(c) They start massive relief efforts.
(d) They rush to recruiting offices to help fight against the Nazis.

3. What is not yet invented at the time the Armenian genocide takes places and is therefore not available as a means by which to communicate news and information about it?
(a) Photography.
(b) Telegraph.
(c) Newspapers.
(d) Television.

4. The enforcement mechanisms spelled out in the convention are more explicit about _____________ than _________ of genocide.
(a) Prevention; punishment.
(b) Definition; prevention.
(c) Punishment; prevention.
(d) Exemptions from; punishment.

5. Why does Lemkin flee to Lithuania and then Sweden in 1939?
(a) Hitler invades Poland.
(b) Turkey puts a bounty on his head.
(c) The Polish government wants to arrest him.
(d) France is seeking his extradition.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the Preface, Power describes a _____-year-old Sarajevan who was killed in a bombing.

2. Ultimately, Lemkin's fight is for an international law on ________________.

3. Out of a population of 7 million souls, approximately how many people does the Khmer Rouge kill in its three-and-a-half-year rule?

4. On what date does Raphael Lemkin die?

5. Lemkin decides to lobby to what international body to adopt a resolution on genocide?

Short Essay Questions

1. What message did the United States government tell Morgenthau to pass on to Turkey?

2. After Lemkin's death, William Proxmire, a senator from Wisconsin, took up the movement to have the genocide convention ratified in the U.S. What was the date of Senator Proxmire's first genocide speech?

3. What was the definition of genocide that was adopted by the UN?

4. The Armenian genocide began when Turkey's interior minister decided that the Turkish Empire would target which group of subjects?

5. After escaping Germany in 1942, what did Jan Karski do with his findings gathered during his time undercover in the Warsaw ghetto and in a death camp?

6. What was Nuremberg's significance to the quest for an international law against genocide?

7. In a cable to Washington, what term did Ambassador Henry Morgenthau use to condemn the actions of the Turkish government against the Armenians?

8. What does Powers say motivates U.S. policymakers to keep the U.S. uninvolved in situations when genocide occurs?

9. Which specific instance of genocide has American society committed itself to remembering and preventing a repetition of, which makes their slowness to react when genocide occurs disturbing to say the least?

10. What was the scope of the Nuremberg trials limited to as to what the tribunal was to punish?

(see the answer keys)

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