A Primer For the Punctuation of Heart Disease Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Primer For the Punctuation of Heart Disease Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the speaker's brother learn after he ended up in intensive care several weeks ago?
(a) He had been having one long heart attack for six years.
(b) He had been experiencing panic attacks for six years.
(c) He had cancer.
(d) He had contracted Lyme disease.

2. What is the subject of the discussion the speaker uses to exemplify use of the low point?
(a) His inability to community with candor.
(b) His lack of a girlfriend.
(c) His depression.
(d) His lack of a good job.

3. What does the speaker call the severed web symbol?
(a) A Hardly Acceptable Replacement.
(b) A Scarcely Salvageable Sentence.
(c) A Barely Tolerable Subsitute.
(d) An Inadequately Worded Idiom.

4. What is the purpose of the backup?
(a) It is used to erase what you said and rephrase.
(b) It is used to replay a sentence and discover what might have been missed.
(c) It is used to restart a conversation when you were too distracted to listen.
(d) It is used to repeat what you said so the person to whom you are speaking can understand.

5. How may fights have the speaker's parent had in all of their marriage?
(a) 1.
(b) Dozens.
(c) Hundreds.
(d) 10.

6. Which member of the speaker's family do you attribute this sentence to: "I didn't die in the Holocaust, but all of my siblings did, so where does that leave me" (5)?
(a) His great-aunt.
(b) His mother.
(c) His grandmother.
(d) His father

7. What does the original use of a lowpoint then to create?
(a) The low point silence.
(b) The low point challenge.
(c) The low point lull.
(d) The low point chain.

8. What phrase is an example a sentence never uttered by the speaker or any member of the speaker's family?
(a) I don't want you in my life, but that does not mean I don't care.
(b) I don't know how to have a relationship with you, but I know I love you.
(c) My life is full of pain, and it's not your fault, but I'm so sad.
(d) My heart is no good, and I'm afraid of dying, and I'm also afraid of saying I love you.

9. While weeding, what did the speaker's father say had happened to his brother?
(a) He had become distant.
(b) He had become a yes man.
(c) He had become very affectionate.
(d) He had become disagreeable.

10. Which symbol represents the corroboration mark?
(a) The smiley face.
(b) The heart.
(c) The snowflake.
(d) The exclamation point.

11. Why did the speaker's brother go to the university health center a few weeks ago?
(a) He had a high fever for several days.
(b) He suffered panic attacks.
(c) He was having chest pains.
(d) He was depressed.

12. What example does the speaker use as a familial conversation in which one party understands the words but not the meaning?
(a) When his mother told him it pained her to think of him alone.
(b) When his brother told him he had been having a heart attack for six years.
(c) When his grandmother told him she hopes he never loves anyone as much as she loves him.
(d) When his father told him his brother had become a yes man.

13. How early on in the marriage did the speaker's parents have their first fight?
(a) During the first week.
(b) The first day.
(c) After their first year.
(d) On their first anniversary.

14. What discussion between the speaker's father and mother does he use to exemplify the corroboration mark?
(a) A talk about their marital problems.
(b) A talk about what to cook for dinner.
(c) A talk about groceries.
(d) A talk about what to watch on TV.

15. What are some things the speaker might be doing when he imagines his family's versions of the should-haves?
(a) Taking a walk or a shower.
(b) Having sex or driving.
(c) Reading a book or making dinner.
(d) Shopping or doing his taxes.

Short Answer Questions

1. When is the reversible colon used?

2. What example does the speaker use of the should have brackets when his father asks him if he hears static in the phone?

3. What were some things the speaker's father's doctor advised him against doing due to the emotional stress these things caused him?

4. What did the narrator's father realize after his first fight with his wife?

5. The speaker uses a conversation between himself and which relative as an example of the low point?

(see the answer keys)

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