A Planet Called Treason Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Planet Called Treason Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is so strange about Ku Kuei?
(a) The sunlight does not filter through the leaves.
(b) The sun does not go down.
(c) The ground does not dry.
(d) The birds do not sing.

2. What is the result of Saranna's learning the Ku Kuei's secret?
(a) Saranna becomes a time traveler.
(b) Saranna becomes enslaved by the Ku Kuei.
(c) Saranna becomes an expert teacher.
(d) Saranna becomes a virtual statue.

3. Leaving Schwartz, what does Lanik realize will scar him forever?
(a) The sight of Barton being beheaded.
(b) The terrible scream of the Earth.
(c) The sight of the Schwartzes coming together.
(d) Being disowned by the Schwartzes.

4. According to the Schwartzes, what is a great moral sacrifice?
(a) To sacrifice your life for another.
(b) To use magical powers to take a life.
(c) To deny love for another.
(d) To leave a friend behind.

5. While Lanik is away, who is killed in Gill?
(a) Dinte.
(b) Saranna.
(c) Barton.
(d) Ensel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Lanik decide he must travel next in order to stop the illuders?

2. According to the Jones innkeeper, what is being stockpiled in Huss?

3. After wandering through Wood and Hank, where does Lanik finally arrive?

4. What is the result from the last time that Lanik and Dinte's impostor had a meeting?

5. What is the name of the innkeeper in Jones?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Lanik return to Mueller?

2. When Lanik realizes the deception taking place in the throne room, why does he not kill the impostors?

3. Why is Lanik hesitant to tell the innkeeper in Jones his real name?

4. Why are the Schwartzes hesitant to help Lanik in his quest?

5. As Lanik leaves Schwartz after asking for help, why is Lanik despondent?

6. What does Lanik learn in quicktime about the beautiful cottage on the beach near Anderson?

7. What does Lanik reveal to his father upon returning to the surface after his descent into the rock?

8. What does Lanik decide he must do in order to save the world?

9. When Lanik confronts the captain of the guard in Gill, what does Lanik tell him?

10. How do the Nkumai treat Lanik's double when they first find him?

(see the answer keys)

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