A Planet Called Treason Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Planet Called Treason Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lanik get the knife he uses during his escape?
(a) Lanik finds it on the ground.
(b) Lanik takes it from one of the guards.
(c) Lanik concealed it from the guards.
(d) Lanik has it smuggled in to him.

2. What is the currency on the planet?
(a) Gems.
(b) Spice.
(c) Metal.
(d) Paper.

3. What happens to the person helping Lanik just as Lanik is preparing to leave?
(a) The person is shot with a bullet.
(b) The person is shot with an arrow.
(c) The person is set on fire.
(d) The person is captured.

4. What do the people in Nkumai eat?
(a) Fish.
(b) Rodents.
(c) Root vegetables.
(d) Birds.

5. Why does Lanik demand to be taken above-board on the slave ship?
(a) Because Lanik needs to see the sun.
(b) Because Lanik wants to face his captors.
(c) Because the other prisoners get to go above-board.
(d) Because Lanik wants to offer the captain a bribe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What nickname does Lanik use for his mother?

2. Who visits Lanik just before he escapes?

3. How does the Family first receive regenerative powers?

4. What is wrong with the meat served to Lanik by the slavers?

5. What must Lanik do as a result of receiving his gift from the Earth?

Short Essay Questions

1. What has the old soldier done to disrupt the trade involving the radical regeneratives?

2. Describe Mwabao Mawa.

3. What does Father ask Lanik to discover as part of his new role?

4. When Lanik finally comes to after collapsing in the desert, what occurs to help him realize that he may not die?

5. What does the young boy in the desert teach Lanik?

6. What does Lanik's body do with all of the energy he is eating?

7. Why is Lanik finally accepted into the old lady's house?

8. How does Lanik escape from his prison high in the trees?

9. When Lanik comes to after passing out in the desert, what does the group of men surrounding him ask?

10. Why does Lanik flee to Ku Kuei?

(see the answer keys)

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