A Planet Called Treason Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Planet Called Treason Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After leaving Jones in a hurry for fear of being caught by Mwabao, where does Lanik head?
(a) Ku Kuei.
(b) Mueller.
(c) Robles.
(d) Allison.

2. What is the name of the innkeeper in Jones?
(a) Bill Underkukei.
(b) Bill Undergill.
(c) Bill Underjones.
(d) Bill Underallison.

3. As the innkeeper in Jones and Lanik talk, the innkeeper learns from Lanik's speech pattern that Lanik is educated. What does the innkeeper realize that Lanik's education means?
(a) Lanik has also fallen from a high station.
(b) Lanik has been working for the king.
(c) Lanik has been run out by the king.
(d) Lanik has been educated in Nkumai.

4. How long does it take the impostor to make his way into the agreed-upon meeting room?
(a) Thirty minutes.
(b) Fifteen minutes.
(c) Five minutes.
(d) One hour.

5. What is the result of Saranna's learning the Ku Kuei's secret?
(a) Saranna becomes an expert teacher.
(b) Saranna becomes a virtual statue.
(c) Saranna becomes enslaved by the Ku Kuei.
(d) Saranna becomes a time traveler.

6. While Lanik is being held captive in Gill, a new prisoner arrives. Who is the new prisoner?
(a) Dul.
(b) Saranna.
(c) Barton.
(d) Dinte.

7. What is the result from the last time that Lanik and Dinte's impostor had a meeting?
(a) Lanik had the imposter imprisoned.
(b) Lanik tried to kill the imposter.
(c) The imposter tried to kill Lanik.
(d) The imposter had Lanik imprisoned.

8. When Lanik steps into quicktime upon reaching the castle in Mueller, who does Lanik expect to see?
(a) Lanik's father.
(b) Mwabao Mawa.
(c) An Anderson illuder.
(d) Lanik's double.

9. Where does Lanik instruct the impostor to meet him in order to discuss the truth in a private setting?
(a) In the room where Lanik kept his snails.
(b) In the room where Lanik had first kissed Saranna.
(c) In the room where Lanik and Dinte had played cards.
(d) In the room where Lanik had been disowned.

10. How does Lanik plan to travel to his next destination?
(a) Lanik plans to hire a carriage.
(b) Lanik plans to steal a horse.
(c) Lanik plans to hire a guide.
(d) Lanik plans to walk across the ocean.

11. When the Schwartzes all lie down together before sending Lanik off, what shape do the Schwartzes form?
(a) A square.
(b) A circle.
(c) A star.
(d) A triangle.

12. Why does Lanik finally decide to go to Mueller after killing the illuders?
(a) Lanik must clear his name.
(b) Lanik must confront his mother.
(c) Lanik must restore his father's name.
(d) Lanik must dethrone Dinte.

13. When Lanik reaches Jones, how long has it been since Lanik and his father disappeared into the Ku Kuei forest?
(a) Two years.
(b) Three months.
(c) One year.
(d) Six months.

14. Who does Lanik argue at length with while in Schwartz?
(a) Saranna.
(b) Elsen.
(c) Mwabao.
(d) Helmut.

15. After the illusion takes place, what does the stranger on the beach offer to do for Lanik?
(a) Wash his clothes.
(b) Splint his leg.
(c) Guide his travels.
(d) Answer his questions.

Short Answer Questions

1. Name one of the illusions the character on the beach near Anderson uses on Lanik.

2. Why does the character who meets Lanik on the beach near Anderson use illusions?

3. How does Lanik travel from land to land killing the illuders?

4. What is Lanik's attacker planning to use to kill Lanik?

5. What is the name of the lord in Britton who wants to meet Lanik?

(see the answer keys)

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