A Place Called Freedom Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Place Called Freedom Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lizzie see advertised on a flyer while in London?
(a) A holiday dance.
(b) Mack's prize fight.
(c) A play she wants to see.
(d) A dress sale.

2. Companies will no longer hire Mack because _____________________.
(a) He is always late.
(b) He is Catholic.
(c) He is a troublemaker.
(d) He is lazy.

3. Who is the lawyer whom Mack sees in London?
(a) Philip Maguire.
(b) Caspar Gordonson.
(c) Clayton Hall.
(d) Edward Spence.

4. How is Mack punished on the way to the mines the next day?
(a) He must walk naked.
(b) He is dragged behind a horse.
(c) He must walk backwards.
(d) He is whipped.

5. What year is inscribed on the iron collar?
(a) 1767.
(b) 1863.
(c) 1623.
(d) 1899.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has attended the hanging with Mack?

2. In what city is Jay and Lizzie's house located?

3. What does a man want people to do in support of John Wilkes?

4. Mack is offered a job as a/an _____________.

5. What news does Mack give to Jay?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which one of the Jamisson sons does Lizzie agree to marry and why?

2. Why does Lizzie call off the wedding?

3. What does Jay's mother tell him about her beginning feelings of hatred for her husband Sir George?

4. What is life like for Mack in London?

5. What makes Lizzie change her mind about going through with the wedding?

6. What is Lady Hallim's advice regarding Jay's growing interest in Lizzie?

7. Why do the Jamissons enter into a conspiracy about the coal that Lizzie cannot know about?

8. What is the reason for the contentious nature between Jay and Robert?

9. What are Mack's plans for leaving Scotland?

10. What is Mack's first priority after the firedamp alarm sounds?

(see the answer keys)

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