A & P Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A & P Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the young woman referred to as "Queenie" (5) answers Lengel, she takes what action?
(a) She folds her arms.
(b) She raises her eyebrows.
(c) She pushes her lip out.
(d) She closes her eyes.

2. Who is Sammy?
(a) The narrator.
(b) The narrator's boss.
(c) The narrator's father.
(d) The narrator's brother.

3. What color are the eyes of the young woman whom the narrator calls "Queenie" (5)?
(a) Blue.
(b) Hazel.
(c) Brown.
(d) Green.

4. What does Sammy do with the object purchased by the young woman he privately calls "Queenie" (5)?
(a) He nestles it into a bag.
(b) He slides it across the counter.
(c) He tosses it into a bag.
(d) He places it in her hand.

5. What are the first two syllables of the nonsense word Sammy utters in response to Lengel's comment?
(a) Faddle.
(b) Fiddle.
(c) Skeedle.
(d) Super.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lengel tells the girls that he does not want to take what action?

2. Who notices when the narrator reacts in a particular way to Lengel's repetition of one word?

3. What is the first word of the song Sammy has come to hear when he works the register?

4. What fruit does the narrator use in a simile describing the quiet way in which Stokesie takes a particular action?

5. Who asks Sammy if he has rung up the purchase of the three young women?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the young woman dubbed "Queenie" (5) by Sammy react to Lengel's actions?

2. Discuss the socioeconomic status from which Sammy's family stems.

3. How does Updike demonstrate Sammy's lack of experience with girls and women?

4. In what way does Sammy react to Lengel's mention of policy?

5. What clues does Sammy utilize in order to detect the class of the young woman he dubs "Queenie" (5)?

6. In what way do food similes enter the story and for what purpose does Updike use them?

7. What details does Sammy provide about his boss Lengel?

8. Which comment of Lengel's causes the young woman dubbed "Queenie" (5) to get angry rather than embarrassed?

9. In what way does Updike use the animal motif within the customers' reaction to the scene involving Lengel and the young women?

10. What is ironic about Sammy's claim that Lengel is the most nervous person involved?

(see the answer keys)

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