A & P Test | Final Test - Easy

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A & P Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color is the palm of the young woman whom the narrator calls "Queenie" (5)?
(a) Rose.
(b) Pink.
(c) Alabaster.
(d) Cream.

2. When Lengel first addresses the young women, he tells them that they are not in what location?
(a) At the beach.
(b) In a club.
(c) In a discotheque.
(d) In a brothel.

3. Lengel tells the girls that he does not want to take what action?
(a) Call the police.
(b) Argue with them.
(c) Call security.
(d) Lie to them.

4. What term does the narrator use to describe the intensity of the eye color of the young woman he calls "Queenie" (5)?
(a) Very.
(b) Majorly.
(c) Completely.
(d) Extremely.

5. Who tells Lengel that the young women had only come into the store to pick up one item?
(a) McMahon.
(b) Stokesie.
(c) The young woman in the green plaid bathing suit.
(d) The young woman the narrator calls Queenie.

6. What are the two terms spoken by the young woman referred to as "Queenie" (5) that the narrator linguistically analyzes?
(a) Hurry and no.
(b) Pick up and snacks.
(c) Mother and time.
(d) Take them and go.

7. Sammy describes the customers' actions in the check-out "chute" (30) using what verb?
(a) Knocking.
(b) Crashing.
(c) Sliding.
(d) Banging.

8. The narrator states that only when his parents have people over for a very what kind of "affair" (14) do they serve alcoholic beverages?
(a) Special.
(b) Fancy.
(c) Racy.
(d) Business.

9. What word does the narrator use to describe the young woman wearing the green plaid bathing suit?
(a) Chunky.
(b) Thin.
(c) Tall.
(d) Lanky.

10. What verb does Sammy use to describe his action of giving change?
(a) Toss.
(b) Place.
(c) Put.
(d) Pass.

11. What is Sammy's cerebral response to Lengel's question about the register?
(a) Always.
(b) No.
(c) Maybe.
(d) Yes.

12. What are the first two syllables of the nonsense word Sammy utters in response to Lengel's comment?
(a) Skeedle.
(b) Super.
(c) Fiddle.
(d) Faddle.

13. The narrator describes the young woman he calls "Queenie" (5) as doing what to two different words?
(a) Lisping them out.
(b) Ticking over them.
(c) Tripping over them.
(d) Spitting them out.

14. Sammy tells the reader that it is "more" (21) what than they think to run a register?
(a) Complicated.
(b) Complex.
(c) Intuitive.
(d) Difficult.

15. To what flavor of ice cream does Sammy refer when describing the breasts of the young woman he privately calls "Queenie" (5)?
(a) Cherry.
(b) Mocha.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Vanilla.

Short Answer Questions

1. The young woman referred to as "Queenie" (5) replies to Lengel's comments by saying that the three young women are what?

2. Stokesie takes what action deliberately and quietly?

3. The narrator says that the sound of one young woman's voice immediately takes him to what location?

4. In what way does Sammy describe the change he provides to the young woman he calls "Queenie" (5)?

5. What does Sammy do with the object purchased by the young woman he privately calls "Queenie" (5)?

(see the answer keys)

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