A & P Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A & P Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Paragraphs 31-32.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator says that he can feel in the silence that "everybody is getting" (20) what?
(a) Nervous.
(b) Impatient.
(c) Angry.
(d) Interested.

2. In what manner does the door open when Sammy exits the store?
(a) A customer holds it open on her way out.
(b) With an electric sensor.
(c) A customer holds it open on his way in.
(d) The wind blows it open.

3. What term does Lengel use when he address the young women in the store?
(a) Folks.
(b) Girls.
(c) Troublemakers.
(d) Ladies.

4. What does the sign on Lengel's office door read?
(a) Manager.
(b) Assistant Manager.
(c) Human Resources.
(d) Proprietor.

5. What adjective does the narrator use to describe the young woman's face whom he calls "Queenie" (5)?
(a) Prim.
(b) Smug.
(c) Cold.
(d) Haughty.

Short Answer Questions

1. What noise does the register always make just before its drawer emerges?

2. What verb does Sammy use to describe the action he takes to eject the drawer from the register?

3. In what location is the person whom Sammy sees when he looks back at the store after his exit?

4. The narrator does NOT state that women who come into the store usually put on before entering?

5. What is NOT a piece of evidence the narrator cites when he hypothesizes that one of the young women has just bought a new swimsuit?

(see the answer key)

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