A Northern Light Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Northern Light Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Miss Wilcox’s estranged husband who appears in Chapter 17?
(a) James.
(b) Teddy.
(c) Andrew.
(d) Peter.

2. The servant girls at the Glenmore trick Mr. Maxwell into falling into what in Chapter 31?
(a) The lake.
(b) A pile of hay.
(c) The river.
(d) Dog excrement.

3. When Weaver hears of Mattie’s plans for the future in Chapter 28, he tells her she may as well do what?
(a) Live in a convent.
(b) Go to Columbia.
(c) Move to Paris.
(d) Marry a horse.

4. How much is the tip that Mr. Maxwell leaves Mattie after exposing himself in Chapter 21?
(a) $.50.
(b) $2.
(c) $5.
(d) $1.

5. Royal Loomis tells Mattie that he wants to buy her what in Chapter 18?
(a) A house.
(b) A car.
(c) A train trip.
(d) A ring.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Mattie tell about Miss Wilcox’s secret pseudonym in Chapters 17-19?

2. The book by Emily Baxter that Mattie receives in the mail from Miss Wilcox is a book of what?

3. What is Henry’s original position at the Glenmore Hotel?

4. Less than how many of Emily Dickinson’s poems were published in her lifetime?

5. When Mattie discovers Emmie Hubbard engaged in sexual activity with a man in Chapter 18, Mattie surmises that how many of Mrs. Hubbard’s children are illegitimate?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the relationship between Mattie and Royal Loomis progress in Chapter 25?

2. How do the events in Chapters 20-22 affect Mattie’s perception of the world around her?

3. What leads Mattie to leave the Glenmore Hotel and go home for a week in Chapter 25?

4. What does Miss Wilcox send to Mattie in Chapter 27? What news does she relate in her letter?

5. What event leads to Mattie’s employment at the Glenmore Hotel? How?

6. How is Mattie trained at the Glenmore Hotel? Who does she work for?

7. How does the apprehension of the three trappers affect Weaver Smith in Chapter 24?

8. How does Mattie’s relationship with Royal Loomis progress in Chapter 18? How does this relate to Grace Brown’s story?

9. How does Mattie’s visit to Minnie affect her perceptions of family and marriage in Chapter 23?

10. What does Mattie discover through Grace Brown’s letters in Chapter 19? What are her thoughts on this discovery?

(see the answer keys)

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