A Northern Light Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Northern Light Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Weaver Smith is the first what in his family?
(a) Freeborn man.
(b) Millionaire.
(c) Man to marry in a church.
(d) Heir to royalty.

2. Who is the tax collector that Aunt Josie intercepts a letter from in Chapter 14?
(a) Francois Pierre Gauthier.
(b) Mr. Maxwell.
(c) Arn Satterlee.
(d) Belinda Becker.

3. Who carries in the body of Grace Brown in the beginning of the novel?
(a) Mr. Crabb.
(b) Mr. Hubbard.
(c) Mr. Guiness.
(d) Mr. Eckler.

4. Where does Mattie dream of going to college in the beginning of the novel?
(a) Barnard College.
(b) Douglass College.
(c) St. Mary's College.
(d) Sarah Lawrence College.

5. Mattie has heard that the works of Emily Baxter are what before she reads them?
(a) Historically accurate.
(b) Indecent.
(c) Well written.
(d) Critically acclaimed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mattie discover the works of Emily Baxter actually celebrate?

2. By what name does Mattie refer to Aunt Josie’s husband in the narrative?

3. What work does Mattie do for Aunt Josie?

4. What gift does Uncle Fifty give to Mattie during his visit?

5. The Glenmore Hotel is located by what body of water?

Short Essay Questions

1. What promise does Uncle Fifty make to Mattie after he arrives? What gifts does he give to the Gokey children?

2. Why does Mattie ask her Aunt Josie for financial help in Chapter 8?

3. How is the character of Royal Loomis described in the novel? How is his relationship with Mattie characterized?

4. What exchange takes place between Pa and Miss Wilcox in Chapter 12? What repercussions does this have for Mattie?

5. What is an example from the novel of Mattie’s tendency for romantic idealization?

6. What purchase does Mattie impulsively make in Chapter 6? What are her thoughts on this action?

7. How is the character of Grace Brown depicted in the novel? What is the historical truth of this character?

8. How is the theme of identity explored through the characters of Mattie, Weaver, and Minnie in Chapter 9?

9. What does Mattie discover through Grace Brown’s letter in Chapter 16? What does this clue indicate to Mattie?

10. Why has Uncle Fifty left in Chapter 12? How does his departure affect Mattie?

(see the answer keys)

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