A Northern Light Test | Final Test - Easy

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Northern Light Test | Final Test - Easy

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the mule that dies in Chapter 20?
(a) Vina.
(b) Willie.
(c) Pleasant.
(d) Wilba.

2. What does Weaver Smith hope to be one day?
(a) A train engineer.
(b) A lawyer.
(c) A doctor.
(d) A teacher.

3. What does the term “grippe” from the novel refer to?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Tuberculosis.
(c) Pneumonia.
(d) Influenza.

4. How does Miss Wilcox appear in response to Mattie’s decision about her future in Chapter 28?
(a) Disappointed.
(b) Jealous.
(c) Overjoyed.
(d) Proud.

5. The two time frames that alternate in each chapter of the novel are approximately how far apart?
(a) A few months.
(b) Ten years.
(c) A week.
(d) Three years.

6. What has Miss Wilcox’s estranged husband appeared in order to do in Chapter 17?
(a) Convince his wife to return to him.
(b) Convince his wife to grant him a divorce.
(c) Convince his wife to become a writer.
(d) Convince his wife to give him custody of their children.

7. Who does Mattie have nightmares about in Chapter 30?
(a) Beth Gokey.
(b) Grace Brown.
(c) Lawton Gokey.
(d) Mr. Eckler.

8. How long must Mattie leave her work at the hotel to tend to ill relatives in Chapter 25?
(a) 2 months.
(b) 1 week.
(c) 1 month.
(d) 2 weeks.

9. What does Mattie do in her work for Miss Wilcox in Chapter 17?
(a) She tends to her garden.
(b) She tends to the horses.
(c) She walks her dogs.
(d) She organizes her books.

10. When Mattie visits her friend Minnie after the twins are born, how is Minnie’s mental state characterized?
(a) Exuberant.
(b) Overjoyed.
(c) Depressed.
(d) Blissful.

11. Royal Loomis tells Mattie that he wants to buy her what in Chapter 18?
(a) A train trip.
(b) A car.
(c) A house.
(d) A ring.

12. What is the name of Miss Wilcox’s estranged husband who appears in Chapter 17?
(a) Peter.
(b) James.
(c) Teddy.
(d) Andrew.

13. Henry, who works at the Glenmore, is originally from where?
(a) France.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) Germany.
(d) Spain.

14. What does Mattie accept from Royal Loomis in Chapter 25?
(a) A horse.
(b) A correspondence notebook.
(c) A feather boa.
(d) An engagement ring.

15. What happens to the men that beat up Weaver in Chapter 25?
(a) They are freed.
(b) They are awarded money.
(c) They are hanged.
(d) They are jailed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Emmie Hubbard’s eldest son tells Mattie that his mother is upset after hearing word that they have set the date for what in Chapter 18?

2. Weaver Smith’s ancestors were slaves where?

3. Weaver is beaten up by three men who are what in Chapter 22?

4. What is the name of the dog that Mattie is paid to feed and walk at the Glenmore?

5. Where does Henry leave some jars of milk, causing them to explode, in the narrative?

(see the answer keys)

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