A Morbid Taste for Bones Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Morbid Taste for Bones Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What news does Bened bring to Brother Cadfael about Brother John and Annest?
(a) They each married other people.
(b) They have moved to England.
(c) They are married.
(d) They have not seen each other since Brother John's escape.

2. How does Peredur react when Sioned makes her request to him before they bury her father?
(a) He is shaking and sweating.
(b) He immediatley honors Sioned's request without incident.
(c) He collapses on the ground.
(d) He runs away.

3. After Sioned and Brother Cadfael discuss Brother Columbanus' possible motives for killing Rhisiart, what is Sioned determined to do?
(a) Avenge her father's death.
(b) Atone for her sin of accusing holy men of a crime.
(c) Prove that Prince Cradoc was not evil.
(d) Find St. Winifred's remains.

4. Where is Brother Columbanus when he awakens to a soft voice calling out to him?
(a) St. Winifred's altar.
(b) Rhisiart's grave.
(c) Bened's house.
(d) Sioned's house.

5. Who understands Dame Branwen's condition and wants to help her?
(a) Brother Columbanus.
(b) Annest.
(c) Sioned.
(d) Peredur.

6. What excuse does Prior Robert give for not being able to help Brother Richard hold vigil on the second night?
(a) The sheriff will be questioning him.
(b) He is busy with the bailiff.
(c) He is afraid to approach Rhisiart's body.
(d) He needs to meet with Prince Owain and Bishop David.

7. What does Brother Cadfael hope for Rhisiart, who is buried in the same grave with St. Winifred in Gwytherin?
(a) Rhisiart can forgive Brother Columbanus.
(b) Rhisiart is with Sioned's mother.
(c) Rhisiart will watch over Sioned and Engelard.
(d) Rhisiart will receive the same honors as St. Winifred.

8. Who appears and causes Brother Columbanus to run out?
(a) Brother Cadfael.
(b) Prior Robert.
(c) Peredur.
(d) Engelard.

9. How does Brother Columbanus die?
(a) Shot with an arrow.
(b) Broken neck.
(c) Overdose of poppy-seed syrup.
(d) Stabbed with his own dagger.

10. How does Brother Columbanus injure Sioned when he tries to kill her?
(a) Breaks her leg.
(b) Cuts her arm.
(c) Knocks her unconscious.
(d) Blackens her eye.

11. Who changes his mind and allows Peredur to join the procession to St. Winifred's chapel?
(a) Peredur's mother.
(b) Father Huw.
(c) Cadwallon.
(d) Prior Robert.

12. What does Father Huw thank Brother Cadfael for after Brother Cadfael helps Dame Branwen?
(a) For his advanced medical training.
(b) For thinking clearly in an emergency.
(c) For knowing how to deal with women.
(d) For his devotion to God.

13. What does Prior Robert notice about the stories Bened tells of what is happening at St. Winifred's former grave?
(a) Bened seems to be embarrassed to tell of what is happening at St. Winifred's former grave.
(b) The stories of the miracles seem unbelievable.
(c) The stories of the miracles are not as great as what is occurring at Shrewsbury.
(d) The stories of the miracles are greater than what is occurring at Shrewsbury.

14. What events, as explained to Prior Robert, prove that St. Winifred must be powerful and supremely worthy of honor?
(a) The events Bened says are occurring in Gwytherin, where Prior Robert thinks St. Winifred used to be buried.
(b) The events Bened says are occurring in Shrewsbury, where Prior Robert thinks St. Winifred is buried.
(c) Brother Columbanus' miraculous ascension.
(d) The news about Brother John and Annest.

15. In Brother Columbanus' dream, after St. Winifred forgives Rhisiart, what else does she offer him?
(a) Her grave.
(b) Friendship.
(c) Eternal life.
(d) The name of his killer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to the procession bringing St. Winifred's bones to Shrewsbury, as it is raining?

2. Why do Brother John and Annest have to use a special method to communicate?

3. The day after Bened brings news of Gwytherin to Brother Cadfael, in addition to Prior Robert, whom else does he greet?

4. How does Sioned feel, knowing that Peredur did not murder her father?

5. According to the voice, what was the man sent by St. Winifred supposed to enforce?

(see the answer keys)

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