A Morbid Taste for Bones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Morbid Taste for Bones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During Vespers, whom does Prior Robert warn the townspeople about as a threat to get his way?
(a) Prince Cradoc.
(b) St. Winifred's descendants.
(c) Rhisiart.
(d) The English people.

2. After Engelard is named as a suspect in Rhisiart's murder, whom does Sioned accuse of having the strongest motive to kill her father?
(a) Prior Robert and the monks.
(b) Peredur.
(c) Bened.
(d) Engelard.

3. According to Cal, the ploughman, why does Bened believe he will not be able to marry Sioned?
(a) The difference in their ages.
(b) He does not have enough money.
(c) He does not get along with Sioned's father.
(d) He is not handsome enough.

4. Whom does Father Huw tell Prior Robert that the saints live to honor?
(a) Other saints.
(b) Their parents.
(c) The Lord.
(d) Themselves.

5. What does Brother Cadfael realize about Peredur's relationship with Rhisiart when he considers Peredur as a suspect in Rhisiart's murder?
(a) Peredur and Rhisiart respected each other, but frequently argued.
(b) Peredur's relationship with Rhisiart only recently became strained.
(c) Peredur disliked Rhisiart.
(d) Peredur liked Rhisiart.

6. After Prior Robert talks about the importance of acquiring a relic for the abbey, why do the brothers run outside?
(a) They hear a loud cry.
(b) They hear a loud crash.
(c) They want to get away from Prior Robert.
(d) Visitors appear at the gate of the monastery.

7. After Brother Cadfael gives Peredur the message from Sioned, what does he learn about Cal?
(a) Cal is guarding Brother John's cell.
(b) Cal has decided to join a monastery.
(c) Cal has disappeared.
(d) Cal is escorting Brother John to England.

8. Who does Prior Robert ask to tell Winifred's life story?
(a) Brother Jerome.
(b) Abbot Heribert.
(c) Brother Columbanus.
(d) Brother Rhys.

9. What does Father Huw warn Prior Robert about regarding the approval of his proposal?
(a) God will punish Prior Robert for his selfishness.
(b) Bishop David and Prince Owain will probably not approve.
(c) Prior Robert's followers are likely to turn against him.
(d) The townspeople will probably not approve.

10. As Brother Cadfael and Sioned discuss Rhisiart's murder, whom do they agree did not murder Rhisiart?
(a) Prior Robert.
(b) Peredur.
(c) Brother Jerome.
(d) Engelard.

11. Who gives an herbal mixture to Brother Columbanus to help him sleep?
(a) Brother Jerome.
(b) Brother Rhys.
(c) Brother John.
(d) Brother Cadfael.

12. What does Cal mean when he tells Brother Cadfael, "Sweeten him and you'll get your way."
(a) If they "sweeten" Prior Robert, that is, if they get him to act kindlier, they will get their way.
(b) If they appeal to Rhisiart in the appropriate way, the townspeople will follow.
(c) If they bribe Rhisiart with sweets, he will change his mind and so will the townspeople.
(d) If they "sweet-talk" Prior Robert into leaving Gwytherin, they will get their way.

13. Why does Rhisiart agree not to tell the townspeople that Prior Robert tried to bribe him?
(a) The townspeople will try to kill Prior Robert.
(b) The townspeople will be upset with Rhisiart for not accepting the bribe.
(c) The townspoeple will want more money.
(d) He is ashamed of Prior Robert.

14. What does Brother Cadfael tell Sioned at the site of Rhisiart's murder?
(a) She must remain at the site of the murder.
(b) Harming others in revenge is a sin.
(c) Don't disturb the murder scene.
(d) Prayer and meditation won't help now.

15. To get his proposal approved, what characteristic of Rhisiart does Father Huw tell Prior Robert to appeal to?
(a) Rhisiart's pride.
(b) Rhisiart's generosity.
(c) Rhisiart's deep faith.
(d) Rhisiart's family values.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is "falling sickness"?

2. What weapon is Engelard an expert at using?

3. How does Father Huw feel when he learns of the approval of Prior Robert's mission?

4. What is the nature of the message Brother Cadfael relays to Peredur from Sioned?

5. How does Peredur react when he hears the message Brother Cadfael relays to him from Sioned?

(see the answer keys)

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