A Month in the Country Test | Final Test - Medium

J. L. Carr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Month in the Country Test | Final Test - Medium

J. L. Carr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the girl who asks Birkin to tea at her parents' house after church in Barton Ferry?
(a) Elisabeth.
(b) Lucy.
(c) Marie.
(d) Diane.

2. What tool does Moon tell Birkin he is going to use to look for Miss Hebron's ancestor?
(a) A hoe.
(b) His brain.
(c) A divining rod.
(d) Prayer.

3. Why does Birkin go to preach at Barton Ferry?
(a) Mr. Ellerbeck is not qualified.
(b) Mr. Ellerbeck is sick.
(c) Mr. Ellerbeck needs a rest.
(d) The church needs a change of pace.

4. What does Birkin find out about Moon from the man he meets in Ripon who was also in the war?
(a) That Moon is a schizophrenic.
(b) That Moon is homosexual.
(c) That Moon was not in the war.
(d) That Moon is a pathological liar.

5. How did Mrs. Ellerbeck's father die?
(a) He got alcohol poisoning.
(b) He shot himself after drinking.
(c) He fell into a pond and drowned.
(d) He fell down stairs after drinking.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Alic respond after Birkin tells her that he finds her attractive?

2. What does Alice tell Birkin has not been easy on Keach?

3. What does Birkin do when Alice does not show up in church on Sunday morning?

4. Where do Birkin and Moon begin looking for the bones of Miss Hebron's ancestor?

5. What does Birkin realize after thinking about the part of the painting that is incomplete?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the conversation that Alice and Birkin have regarding the existence of hell.

2. Why do Birkin and the Ellerbecks go to Ripon and are they successful in meeting their goal?

3. What does Keach try to give Birkin the day after Birkin tells Alice she is attractive? How does Birkin respond?

4. What does Birkin do when Alice is not in church? What conclusion does he come to regarding her whereabouts?

5. What story does Moon tell about one of his acquaintances when he and Birkin are discussing the war?

6. Describe Birkin's involvement in the service at Keach's church.

7. What physical characteristics does Birkin claim the painter has? How does he know these details?

8. What part of the painting does the painter leave unfilled? What are Birkin's speculation regarding this situation?

9. What feelings does Moon's inquiry about anything going on between Birkin and Alice trigger in Birkin?

10. How does Moon respond when Birkin tells him that Keach has told him that he is finished with the painting?

(see the answer keys)

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