A Month in the Country Test | Final Test - Easy

J. L. Carr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Month in the Country Test | Final Test - Easy

J. L. Carr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Moon and Birkin help Mossop with when they visit him in the field?
(a) Planting.
(b) Building a shack.
(c) Writing a book.
(d) The sheaves.

2. How many times does Birkin visit Oxgodby after his summer there?
(a) 25.
(b) 0.
(c) 1.
(d) 10.

3. How does Birkin think the painter died?
(a) Of a heart attack.
(b) He was executed because of the painting.
(c) By falling off the ladder or scaffolding.
(d) Of loneliness.

4. Before telling Alice that he finds her attractive, who does Birkin also say finds her attractive?
(a) Kathy.
(b) Mrs. Ellerbeck.
(c) Mossop.
(d) Moon.

5. What does Alice ask Birkin when she sees the painting of hell?
(a) Why a portion is not painted.
(b) Why someone would paint something so horrible.
(c) If he believes in hell.
(d) If he enjoys his work.

6. Who leaves the door slightly ajar when visiting Birkin?
(a) Edgar.
(b) Kathy.
(c) Alice.
(d) Moon.

7. What occupations does Kathy suggest for Birkin?
(a) Gravedigger or banker.
(b) Rent collector or schoolteacher.
(c) Barber or gardener.
(d) Painter or baker.

8. What wakes up Birkin on Sunday mornings?
(a) Mossop ringing the church bell.
(b) The opening of the church door.
(c) Alice knocking on the door..
(d) Shouting in the graveyard.

9. Birkin says the paint is made out of ________ materials.
(a) Average.
(b) A variety of.
(c) Unexpected.
(d) Excellent.

10. What do the people do after the service Birkin attends on Sunday nights?
(a) Leave quickly.
(b) Congregate by the altar and cry.
(c) Clear out the pews and begin dancing.
(d) Gather around the organ and sing songs.

11. How does Alic respond after Birkin tells her that he finds her attractive?
(a) By running off.
(b) With a kiss.
(c) By crying.
(d) With a nod.

12. What does Birkin mistake for Alice in her bedroom when he passes the vicarage?
(a) A hatstand.
(b) A curtain.
(c) A vacuum.
(d) A dog.

13. What is the man's name who Birkin meets in Ripon who was also in the war?
(a) Montague.
(b) Melvin.
(c) Milburn.
(d) Morton.

14. Why does Birkin return to the church after leaving to head home?
(a) To see the painting again.
(b) To look for Alice.
(c) To get his bedroll he forgot.
(d) To pack a lunch.

15. What does Birkin liken to hell in his own mind?
(a) The war.
(b) Painting.
(c) Keach.
(d) His work.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Birkin talking about when he says, "I found it pleasantly disturbing to consider the possibility of wandering off with her to some quiet room, eating supper, taking her hand, touching her, kissing"?

2. Who sits in the back pew when visiting Birkin?

3. What does Birkin do when Alice does not show up in church on Sunday morning?

4. What does Birkin tell Alice that he thinks is different for different people?

5. What do the families eat at the Sunday School treat?

(see the answer keys)

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