Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do James and the other patients do in order to support him?
2. What does James pick up when he wakes up after his tooth surgery?
3. Where does the dentist want James to go after his procedure?
4. What message does not appeal to James?
5. What does James put in his mouth in his second User Dream?
Short Essay Questions
1. What do the staff members want to do with James after learning about his physical altercation?
2. Where is the plane James is taking headed?
3. What does James do when his parents try to hug him in concern for his condition?
4. Describe the interaction between Leonard and James in this chapter.
5. Why does James turn up the heat in the shower when he is bathing his body?
6. What does Warren do for James after James has his second User Dream?
7. What is the clinic's stance on interaction between two patients of the opposite sex?
8. What does James' father do for him when they are at the cabin in Wisconsin?
9. What does Dr. Stevens want to do for James at the end of the root canal experience?
10. Even though it has been proven that addiction is a disease, what does James think is the cause of addiction?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The clinic has a strict policy that men and women are not supposed to interact with each other - but James and Lilly ignore this rule in favor of trying to help each other.
Part 1: How do James and Lilly meet initially in this story?
Part 2: What is Lilly's story as it relates to addictions and past traumas?
Part 3: Why do you think the clinic has this rule in the first place? Doesn't bonding with someone else help to speed up the healing process?
Essay Topic 2
In many ways, the characters of this book not only save themselves, but they also manage to save others.
Part 1: Who are some of the patient characters that help James' recovery?
Part 2: Why do you think other patients want to help other patients along the way?
Part 3: What does this interactive type of recovery seem to say about the addiction and recovery process?
Essay Topic 3
The Fury is the force the controls James and his addictions. It is a violent force that seems to ever overshadow Frey as the writer at times, launching the reader into the true experience of addiction.
Part 1: Describe the Fury as James experiences it.
Part 2: What does the Fury seem to be doing to James? When does it appear?
Part 3: How does James finally conquer his Fury? What are some of the steps he takes to controlling this?
This section contains 702 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |