A Million Little Pieces Test | Final Test - Medium

James Frey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Million Little Pieces Test | Final Test - Medium

James Frey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the newest addition to the clinic--a Catholic university administrator with an addition to crack and prostitutes?
(a) Jerimiah
(b) Luke
(c) Michael
(d) Joseph

2. Who does James walk out of the clinic?
(a) Leonard
(b) Lilly
(c) Miles
(d) Warren

3. Who calls James into his office in order to berate him on the assignment he was supposed to do?
(a) Joanne
(b) Lincoln
(c) Randall
(d) Ken

4. Who agrees to give Lilly and James another chance if they agree to stop seeing each other?
(a) Lincoln
(b) Joanne
(c) Ken
(d) Randall

5. What rises within James as he sits with the glass of alcohol in front of him?
(a) Happiness
(b) Lust
(c) Fury
(d) Sadness

Short Answer Questions

1. What does James tell Joanne privately that overshadows any interactions with his parents?

2. How long do the authorities want James to spend in prison?

3. What does James plan to confront as soon as he is out of the clinic?

4. James knows he only feels fear because he _______ himself to feel fear.

5. Which authorities want James to spend a long time in jail and do not want a plea bargain?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the secret James reveals to the priest as he is reading his confession aloud?

2. What does Randall reveal to James about his legal troubles?

3. What does James tell Joanne privately about his Fury in relation to his parents?

4. What does Lilly tell James about his parents and about being thankful for them?

5. What does James tell Joanne about the time he will know he has recovered from his addiction?

6. Describe the new arrival to the Clinic, Michael.

7. What is the assignment that Joanne gives to James after he reveals his moment of clarity he had in the woods?

8. Why does Lilly call to ask James to meet her in the woods?

9. What happened to Lilly that she was afraid James would find out from others?

10. What does James do at the bar at the end of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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