A Million Little Pieces Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Frey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Million Little Pieces Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Frey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does James say he abuses daily, as much as he can?
(a) Meth
(b) PCP
(c) Alcohol
(d) Crack

2. Who is NOT one of James' new roommates?
(a) Warren
(b) John
(c) Larry
(d) Leonard

3. What does James use to relieve his shame and to cause him pain?
(a) Newspaper
(b) Razor blades
(c) Self flagellation
(d) Hot water

4. Who wants James to leave because of the altercation?
(a) John
(b) Lincoln
(c) Joanne
(d) Larry

5. What do James and the other patients do in order to support him?
(a) Take him outside
(b) Bring him to Ken
(c) Hug him
(d) Avoid the topic by playing cards and telling jokes

6. Who has gone missing from the clinic?
(a) Leonard
(b) Larry
(c) Warren
(d) John

7. What is in James' cheek when he wakes up on the plane?
(a) A wad of dip
(b) Money
(c) A hole
(d) Drugs

8. Who can call James and make him smile?
(a) Julie
(b) Lilly
(c) His brother
(d) Michelle

9. Whose thin, beaten, and weak body surprises James?
(a) Roy's
(b) Miles'
(c) His own
(d) Leonard's

10. Who does Leonard say was his childhood mentor?
(a) Pablo Picasso
(b) Michaelangelo
(c) Trevor Samson
(d) Don Corleone

11. Which doctor begins to fix James' wounds?
(a) Rosalie
(b) Smith
(c) Baker
(d) Joanne

12. One of the rules of the clinic is no ___________ of any kind or James will be kicked out of the program.
(a) Violence
(b) Bad manners
(c) Substance abuse
(d) Betting or gambling

13. How does James feel about his chances of recovery, which startles his brother and his brothers' friends?
(a) Unwilling
(b) Excited
(c) Angry
(d) Uncertain

14. Who comes with James to help him check into the rehab clinic?
(a) No one
(b) His girlfriend
(c) His brother
(d) His family

15. Who is visiting with Lilly as James and his visitors find out?
(a) Father
(b) Sister
(c) Mother
(d) Grandmother

Short Answer Questions

1. What does James do to get rid of the things in #18?

2. What does James do when he lands at the airport?

3. James realizes he has an opportunity to choose a better _______ for himself.

4. What has happened to James' front teeth?

5. What kind of procedure is James having in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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