A Mencken Chrestomathy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Mencken Chrestomathy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do men become once they accumulate wealth?
(a) Nicer.
(b) Stupider.
(c) More amorous.
(d) Stingier.

2. Why does Mencken believe life on other planets is highly unlikely?
(a) God only created life on Earth.
(b) There is too much methane on most planets.
(c) There is a lack of carbon on most planets.
(d) Temperatures elsewhere than earth cannot sustain life.

3. What quality makes for the best literary critic, according to Chapter 24?
(a) The goal to create a work of art.
(b) Accuracy and a need to refute error.
(c) Advancing a personal agenda or doctrine.
(d) Adhering to a specific philosophical system.

4. Mencken reports on a boxing with which famed boxer?
(a) Gunboat Smith.
(b) Gene Tunney.
(c) Fireman Jim Flynn.
(d) Jack Dempsey.

5. Where did the Scopes Monkey Trial take place?
(a) Dayton, Tennessee.
(b) Mexico, Missouri.
(c) Chicago, Illinois.
(d) Frankfurt, Kentucky.

6. Who does Mencken identify as the founder of Christian Science?
(a) Anthony Comstock.
(b) Mary Baker G. Eddy.
(c) Theodore Veblen.
(d) Sister Aimee.

7. Who does Mencken identify as the father of chiropractic?
(a) John Ayres.
(b) Andrew Still.
(c) Charles Joseph Bonaparte.
(d) William Carlos Williams.

8. Who does Mencken call "the national ideal of a literary character"?
(a) Ambrose Bierce.
(b) Joseph Conrad.
(c) Ring Lardner.
(d) William Dean Howells.

9. What is "one of the most valuable human possessions" according to Mencken in Chapter 16?
(a) The reputation of being rich.
(b) Dignity.
(c) Spatial awareness.
(d) The ability to do simple math.

10. What two types of poetry does Mencken believe are the only viable ones?
(a) Poetry of false ideas and poetry that tells a story.
(b) Poetry that tells a story and poetry that reveals essential truths.
(c) Musical poetry and poetry of false ideas.
(d) Musical poetry and poetry that rhymes.

11. What action taken by Anthony Comstock does Mencken take issue with?
(a) Too quickly embracing new technology like the telephone.
(b) Editing his articles overmuch at the Baltimore Sun.
(c) Spreading a new strain of Methodist religion.
(d) Trying to censor book material.

12. What is Mencken's view of contemporary psychological science?
(a) The field is complete quackery.
(b) The field is surprisingly neat and orderly, with little disagreement between schools..
(c) The field is in chaos, with widely conflicting views.
(d) The field is poorly funded, and suffers because of it.

13. Which classical composer could not "write for the mob"?
(a) Brahms.
(b) Strauss.
(c) Schubert.
(d) Beethoven.

14. In the boxing match Mencken reports on in Chapter 23, why do most want the favorite boxer to lose?
(a) He had beaten his wife up the night before.
(b) He was drunk and hollering at the crowd.
(c) He had been accused of taking steroids.
(d) He had evaded service in World War I.

15. Which is NOT one of the benefits Mencken sees should America put into place his ideas in "Utopian Flights"?
(a) Elimination of political campaigns.
(b) Insertion of people who believe public service is a chore.
(c) Reduction of election costs.
(d) The election of people who actually want to be legislators.

Short Answer Questions

1. Writers "who cannot write" write in what style?

2. Who wrote Parsifal?

3. What does Mencken believe about contemporary understanding of alcoholism?

4. According to Mencken, how will "anyone who appreciates aural beauty" regard opera?

5. How do rich people "buy public esteem" according to Mencken?

(see the answer keys)

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