A Meeting in the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 68 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Meeting in the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 68 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Wamuhu's father cite as the thing that broke their tribe apart?
(a) Many moved away.
(b) Education.
(c) The white man's religion.
(d) Internal conflict between families.

2. What is the village John lives referred to as he walks alone in the beginning of "Meeting in the Dark"?
(a) Sprawling towns.
(b) Shanty towns.
(c) Lonely towns.
(d) Mushroom towns.

3. What does the old woman who asks John how he is call him?
(a) Brother.
(b) My child.
(c) Son.
(d) Nephew.

4. What does Wamuhu's father say people who left the village to learn the white man's religion brought back to the village when they returned?
(a) Adopted children.
(b) Bibles.
(c) Alcohol.
(d) White wives or Black wives who spoke English.

5. Who does John nearly collide with upon leaving Wamuhu's hut?
(a) The old woman.
(b) Wamuhu.
(c) His father.
(d) His mother.

6. Where does John tell the old woman he is going for school the following week?
(a) Kikuma.
(b) Makerere.
(c) Limuru.
(d) Makeno.

7. What does the smoke John sees coming out of the huts as he walks alone indicate?
(a) People have lit a fire for light.
(b) Women have returned from the shambas.
(c) The evening is unusually cold.
(d) People are having Bible study.

8. Why does John envy the young men and women he passes on the street at night?
(a) They have good jobs.
(b) He feels they are not judged as harshly as educated men are.
(c) They have completed school.
(d) They have more money than he does.

9. During what war is John's village said to have grown?
(a) The Mau Mau.
(b) The Makeno war.
(c) The Limuru war.
(d) The Kikuyu war.

10. What is the old woman who passes John while he walks alone carrying?
(a) Cassava.
(b) Water.
(c) Laundry.
(d) Kuni.

11. How does John respond when Wamuhu's mother asks him to sit and wait for Wamuhu?
(a) He asks if he can make them the tea.
(b) He mutters something and hurries out the hut.
(c) He bows his head, says thank you and sits.
(d) He thanks her profusely and shakes her hands.

12. Who does John find at the hut he goes to after dinner?
(a) His old teacher.
(b) Wamuhu's parents.
(c) His best friend.
(d) The old woman.

13. How are some of the educated boys who return to the village said to act?
(a) With humility.
(b) With piety.
(c) Like nothing has changed.
(d) Like Europeans.

14. Why do so many at the tea shop know that John is soon heading for school in Uganda?
(a) It was in the Swahili newspaper.
(b) His mother had told everyone.
(c) He told everyone when he arrived at the tea shop.
(d) HIs father told everyone at church.

15. What is Wamuhu's mother "preoccupied" (62) with when her husband asks her why she thinks John came?
(a) Cooking dinner.
(b) Despair.
(c) Hope.
(d) Folding laundry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is something that "the white man's religion" (62) does not allow?

2. What does John call the old woman who passes him and asks how he is doing?

3. What does Wamuhu's mother say to her husband after John leaves?

4. What does John worry will happen if the people of his village find out his secret?

5. What does John do before leaving his hut in hopes his father will not know he left?

(see the answer keys)

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