A Meeting in the Dark Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 68 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Meeting in the Dark Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 68 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Pp. 55 - 58

1. Who is the author of "Meeting in the Dark"?
(a) John Thiong'o.
(b) Thiong'o Achibe.
(c) Ngũgĩ Thomas.
(d) Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o.

2. Where is the main character standing as he watches his father walk down the street at the start of the story?
(a) Ih his room at school.
(b) Against the tree outside his hut.
(c) At the bus stop.
(d) In the doorway of his hut.

3. What adjectives are used to describe John's father as he walks down the street at the start of the story?
(a) Large and mean.
(b) Frail but energetic.
(c) Elegant and intelligent.
(d) Husky and strong.

4. What is the main character's name?
(a) Joseph.
(b) Steven.
(c) Paul.
(d) John.

5. What does John's father carry in his bag as he walks down the street?
(a) His change purse.
(b) A Bible.
(c) His shoes.
(d) School books.

6. What is John's father's occupation?
(a) Preacher.
(b) Teacher.
(c) Farmer.
(d) Doctor.

7. What is John's feeling toward his father?
(a) Warmth.
(b) Anger.
(c) Fear.
(d) Admiration.

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