A Map of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Map of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the Child Protection Services worker on Robbie's case?
(a) Marie Keaser.
(b) Myra Flint.
(c) Mary Wilson.
(d) Marlene Winner.

2. Whom do Howard and the girls see on the way home from the jail?
(a) A man begging for food by the highway.
(b) Miss Bowman.
(c) Theresa and Audrey.
(d) Don.

3. Who is Theresa's remaining daughter?
(a) Audrey.
(b) Addie.
(c) Mackenzie.
(d) Isabella.

4. Rafferty wants Alice to behave like which actress while in court?
(a) Meryl Streep.
(b) Audrey Hepburn.
(c) Lauren Bacall.
(d) Glenn Close.

5. Where do Howard, Alice and the girls stop on the way home from jail?
(a) Church.
(b) A park.
(c) McDonald's.
(d) Theresa's.

6. Where do Howard and the girls find a place to live?
(a) Patterson.
(b) Spring Grove.
(c) Millersville.
(d) Buckhead.

7. Where does Howard get a job?
(a) Wal-Mart.
(b) The Motor Vehicle Registration Office.
(c) A lumberyard.
(d) The Children's Services Office.

8. Why does Theresa feel guilty about Alice's arrest?
(a) She planted the stories that the children tell about Alice.
(b) She reinforced the lies of the children when questioned.
(c) She could have cleared everything up if she had been in town.
(d) She made a phone call to the sheriff's office about Alice.

9. What does Alice do between meals in jail?
(a) Reads and watches TV.
(b) Makes phone calls and watches TV.
(c) Reads and sleeps.
(d) Writes letters and cries.

10. Which of the following is NOT a topic Howard puts in his letter to Alice?
(a) He wants to sell the farm.
(b) He is in love with Theresa.
(c) They are blackballed by babysitters.
(d) Emma cannot start kindergarten.

11. Who is one of the few adults, other than Theresa, who has spoken to Howard this summer?
(a) The Lutheran minister.
(b) The tractor repairman.
(c) The auctioneer.
(d) The seed salesman.

12. What medical procedure had Theresa had after Lizzy's birth?
(a) Plastic surgery.
(b) Gallbladder surgery.
(c) Colon cancer surgery.
(d) A tubal ligation.

13. Why does Howard collect rocks from the fields?
(a) To reinforce a ditch.
(b) To make gravel.
(c) To build walls.
(d) To clear the fields for plowing.

14. Howard concentrates on the life cycles of __________________.
(a) Bees.
(b) Trees.
(c) Goats.
(d) Thistles.

15. Who is the first potential buyer to look at Howard's farm?
(a) Mrs. Phil Goranson.
(b) Mrs. Edward Reiman.
(c) Mr. Paul Shannon.
(d) Mrs. Arnold Reesman.

Short Answer Questions

1. Howard describes a quote by ________________ which is carved over the courthouse entrance.

2. What does Alice paint on the living room walls?

3. What does Alice do when she sees the girls in the jail?

4. Who insists on interviewing Alice's daughters?

5. Alice does NOT suffer a huge lack of __________ while in jail.

(see the answer keys)

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