A Man of the People Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Man of the People Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mrs. Nanga feel pity for Edna?
(a) Mrs. Nanga was also forced into marriage rather than continue her education.
(b) Mrs. Nanga knows Edna will not be happy living in Bori.
(c) Chief Nanga intends to use Edna for bearing many children.
(d) Edna is ignorant of how cruel Chief Nanga can be to his wives.

2. How much does Chief Nanga say Maxwell has taken in bribes?
(a) 650 pounds.
(b) 1,000 pounds.
(c) 250 pounds.
(d) 4,000 pounds.

3. How does Odili manage to talk to Edna alone in Chapter 9?
(a) He invites her to Mrs. Nanga's house.
(b) He gives her a ride to the hospital.
(c) He tells her has an important message from Chief Nanga.
(d) He gives her father a small piece of gold.

4. How does Odili respond to Chief Nanga's bribe?
(a) "Give me 4,000."
(b) "Yes!"
(c) "No!"
(d) "Give me 600."

5. Why will Mrs. Nanga not accompany her husband to the United States?
(a) Chief Nanga forbids her to go.
(b) She lacks education.
(c) She must stay with the children.
(d) She must manage the affairs of state in her husband's absence.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is waiting for Odili outside Chief Nanga's house when he returns?

2. Who heckles Maxwell during his speech in Chapter 12?

3. Who gives Odili directions to Edna's house?

4. Why does Odili praise Edna's beauty and memory in English?

5. What does Chief Nanga predict that Nigeria will soon produce?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the first impression given of Odo, Edna's father.

2. What characterizes Odili's arrival at his friend Maxwell's apartment?

3. What is the significance of the poem Maxwell wrote seven years ago?

4. What is the method of problem solving that Odili unconsciously employs while reconsidering his humiliation that occurred at the house of Chief Nanga?

5. What sort of abuses of power does Chief Nanga exercise in his campaign?

6. Why is Couple's heckling of Maxwell effective?

7. What characterizes Odili's interaction with Chief Nanga at the Samalu house?

8. What is Odili's concern about the founding of the new political party?

9. Describe the situation with Chief Nanga and the editor of the Daily Matchet, including its significance.

10. How does Odili interpret Edna's letter?

(see the answer keys)

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