A Man of the People Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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A Man of the People Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the cook prove his innocence?
(a) He drinks the coffee.
(b) He eats the soup.
(c) He gives Chief Koko the medicine.
(d) He produces a witness.

2. Why has Odili lost his admiration for Chief Nanga?
(a) Chief Nanga slept around once he got into power.
(b) Chief Nanga defended the dismissed Cabinet members.
(c) Chief Nanga joined in denouncing the dismissed Cabinet members.
(d) Chief Nanga dishonored his own father.

3. Who convinces Chief Kobino to delay the construction project between Anata and Giligili for which Chief Nanga is pushing?
(a) The Prime Minister.
(b) Odili.
(c) A young assistant.
(d) Chief Nanga.

4. What causes Odili's division from his father?
(a) Arguments over his father working for the POP.
(b) Arguments over his father marrying a fifth wife.
(c) Arguments over Odili not working in the city.
(d) Arguments over Odili going to university.

5. Where is Odili from?
(a) Agaba.
(b) Anata.
(c) Urua.
(d) Bori.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Peter buy for his father?

2. What used to be Odili's father's profession?

3. What does Chief Nanga's lunchtime conversation concern?

4. Whom does Odili visit at the beginning of Chapter 6?

5. Chief Nanga says the standard education he received is worth more than what today?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is significant about the languages spoken in the Nanga home?

2. Why does Chief Nanga remember Odili?

3. What is ironic about Chief Koko's reaction to drinking OHMS?

4. What is unusual about Mrs. Akilo and Chief Nanga's affair?

5. What attitudes do the foreigners at the dinner conversation seem to have toward Africa, and how do they demonstrate such?

6. How does Odili describe his reaction to being a prominent member of the dinner conversation?

7. Why does Odili envy Peter?

8. How does Odili's father treat his family?

9. What two admirable qualities does Chief Nanga demonstrate in Chapter 1, and how?

10. In what way does Jean primarily reveal her insensitivity towards Nigeria and Nigerians?

(see the answer keys)

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