A Man of the People Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Man of the People Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long has it been since Odili last spoke with Chief Nanga?
(a) Five years.
(b) Three years.
(c) More than 15 years.
(d) Ten years.

2. How does Odili state his view of Elsie to Chief Nanga?
(a) She is just a good-time girl.
(b) He is serious about her.
(c) He intends to marry her.
(d) She is his best friend.

3. What is John's most interesting claim about the his country?
(a) It will very likely have an African-American president in the next 10 years.
(b) It will likely invade Africa soon, to liberate the struggling countries.
(c) It has not conquered other countries despite having the power to do so.
(d) It has experienced more racially-motivated violence against whites than blacks.

4. To what do Odili and Jean dance?
(a) A highlife record.
(b) A big-band swing record.
(c) An American jazz record.
(d) An African band.

5. What causes Odili's division from his father?
(a) Arguments over Odili not working in the city.
(b) Arguments over Odili going to university.
(c) Arguments over his father working for the POP.
(d) Arguments over his father marrying a fifth wife.

6. What does Chief Nanga do to Principal Nwege after the speech?
(a) Flatters him.
(b) Kicks him.
(c) Ignores him.
(d) Praises him.

7. What is the nickname of Odili's former next-door neighbor in his university days?
(a) Rennie.
(b) Diligent.
(c) Irre.
(d) Cooli.

8. How does Jean look at Chief Nanga?
(a) Contemptuously.
(b) Angrily.
(c) Curiously.
(d) Flirtatiously.

9. What is the chief complaint of the Prime Minister against his dismissed Cabinet members?
(a) They are bloodthirsty.
(b) They are greedy.
(c) They have betrayed their fathers.
(d) They are over-educated by Western thought.

10. What, in Chief Nanga's days as a scoutmaster, is considered the "very acme of sophistication"?
(a) A white sash.
(b) A red dress.
(c) A white helmet.
(d) Reading English books.

11. Who resents Odili's favor with Chief Nanga?
(a) Mrs. John.
(b) Andrew Kadibe.
(c) James.
(d) Principal Nwege.

12. What is the general feeling of the people toward Odili's father?
(a) Disappointment.
(b) Love.
(c) Hatred.
(d) Admiration.

13. Odili is afraid that Chief Nanga will want to:
(a) Swap women.
(b) Talk all night.
(c) Get him very drunk.
(d) Kill Elsie.

14. Finish the quote said by Odili in Chapter 1: "For what is modesty but ________________?"
(a) Inverted pride.
(b) Great humility.
(c) Self-deprecation.
(d) Lack of self-consciousness.

15. What does Andrew Kadibe try to sound like when he knocks at Odili's door?
(a) A pig.
(b) A girl.
(c) An old man.
(d) Odili.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Odili recall meeting Elsie?

2. What nickname offends Chief Nanga?

3. How is Odili received at Chief Nanga's house?

4. What does Chief Nanga think of the president of the Writer's Society's dress?

5. From what country does the other black man among the foreigners in Chapter 5 come?

(see the answer keys)

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