A Man of the People Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Man of the People Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jean look at Chief Nanga?
(a) Contemptuously.
(b) Angrily.
(c) Curiously.
(d) Flirtatiously.

2. Chapter 1 opens with Chief Nanga making an address at which school?
(a) The Urua Elementary School.
(b) The Anata Grammar School.
(c) The University.
(d) Cambridge University.

3. Where does Odili recall meeting Elsie?
(a) At grammar school.
(b) In Urua.
(c) In England.
(d) At a party.

4. To what do Odili and Jean dance?
(a) A big-band swing record.
(b) An African band.
(c) An American jazz record.
(d) A highlife record.

5. What was the nighttime entertainment in Giligili?
(a) Watching the fire burn.
(b) Killing rats.
(c) A crazy old man's stories.
(d) Squishing bugs.

6. What is John's job?
(a) Radio journalism.
(b) Public relations advisor.
(c) International trade.
(d) Newspaper editor.

7. What sort of buses does Chief Nanga purchase?
(a) Luxury.
(b) Cargo.
(c) School.
(d) Travel.

8. Why has Odili lost his admiration for Chief Nanga?
(a) Chief Nanga slept around once he got into power.
(b) Chief Nanga dishonored his own father.
(c) Chief Nanga joined in denouncing the dismissed Cabinet members.
(d) Chief Nanga defended the dismissed Cabinet members.

9. What is Chief Nanga described as wearing when he exits his Cadillac at the school?
(a) Damask and gold chains.
(b) Sunglasses and a sportcoat.
(c) Boots and a hat.
(d) Leather and gold chains.

10. Why does Jean say sex means more to a woman than a man?
(a) It takes place inside her.
(b) Women become mothers through sex.
(c) It makes woman a part of man's world.
(d) Women have sex less frequently.

11. What nickname offends Chief Nanga?
(a) M.A. Minus Opportunity.
(b) Father of Anata.
(c) Owner of book.
(d) Great Nanga.

12. What does Peter buy for his father?
(a) A tie.
(b) Tobacco.
(c) Shoes.
(d) Beer.

13. What does the Senior Tutor take from the reception?
(a) Principal Nwege's ring.
(b) A jug of beer.
(c) A jug of palm wine.
(d) Two bottles of beer.

14. How many wives does Odili's father have?
(a) Five.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Seven.

15. What is the chief complaint of the Prime Minister against his dismissed Cabinet members?
(a) They are bloodthirsty.
(b) They have betrayed their fathers.
(c) They are over-educated by Western thought.
(d) They are greedy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sort of degree is Chief Nanga to be awarded?

2. To where does Chief Nanga invite Odili?

3. Whom does Odili ask the journalist about?

4. Who calls while Jean and Odili are making love?

5. What is John's most interesting claim about the his country?

(see the answer keys)

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