A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

William Stephenson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

William Stephenson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did ships from the United States to Lisbon receive when they stopped in Bermuda?
(a) Retrofitting with spying equipment.
(b) The changes in the codes.
(c) Special antiaircraft weapons.
(d) Reports written in invisible ink.

2. Who traveled to London to meet with the King?
(a) Joseph Kennedy.
(b) Bill Donovan.
(c) Truman.
(d) Roosevelt.

3. What routine were the people at Bletchley trying to figure out?
(a) The way the Germans planned who to invade next.
(b) The drum changing routine.
(c) How to capitalize on the invasion of Finland.
(d) The Russian's rountine to keep the Germans at bay.

4. Who did Stevenson want to bring into Bletchley?
(a) American intelligence agents.
(b) Canadian intelligence agents.
(c) Swedish intelligence agents.
(d) French intelligence agents.

5. Why couldn't Stevenson force Roosevelt's hand to declare war?
(a) Stevenson wanted willing allies; not ones forced into the position.
(b) Stevenson was told not to get involved by the King.
(c) Roosevelt might balk and dig in his heels on staying out of the war.
(d) The declaration has to come from Congress.

6. What could Stevenson see as he inspected German factories?
(a) The Germans were hiding weapons production.
(b) The Germans were using what was basically slave labor.
(c) The Germans were obeying the terms of the treaty from WWI.
(d) The Germans had advanced mechanical technology.

7. Who was Colonel Bill Donovan?
(a) The commander of the Asian forces in the Philippines.
(b) The head of Canadian intelligence.
(c) The head of the CIA.
(d) He was to Roosevelt what Stevenson was to Churchill.

8. Who were the "trappers"?
(a) Boats sent out specifically to trap German subs.
(b) Men and women sent undercover.
(c) Airplanes sent to trap German destroyers.
(d) The women who secretly opened letters and found the microdots.

9. Where was Roosevelt vacationing at the opening of Chapter 26?
(a) Peru.
(b) The Caribbean.
(c) Hawaii.
(d) The Pacific Northwest.

10. What company did Stevenson form with two other men?
(a) American Telephone and Telegraph.
(b) British Broadcasting Company.
(c) British Arts Corporation.
(d) Canadian Wire Service.

11. Where did Ian Fleming train?
(a) Manitoba.
(b) Camp X.
(c) Camp A.
(d) Manhattan.

12. How did Donovan delay Hitler's invasion?
(a) Nothing could be done.
(b) Tells Prince Regent Paul that Hitler would take his country first before Russia.
(c) Sends misleading intelligence over lines known to be compromised.
(d) Asks King Boris to delay the Germans passing through Bulgaria.

13. What allowed engineers to view the German communication network?
(a) A spy in German intelligence.
(b) A new atenna that picked up coded signals.
(c) Espionage into the main office of German intelligence.
(d) A business deal between ITT and Germany.

14. What concession did Stevenson gain from the United States?
(a) Stevenson got none of the concessions that he wanted.
(b) That the United States would begin training many more covert operators.
(c) That the United States would send several shiploads of supplies daily to England.
(d) That Germany would be the focal point of the United States' war effort.

15. What sendt Hitler into a rage that results in the heavy bombing of Belgrade?
(a) Three German U-boats sunk in one day by the United States.
(b) A press conference by Donovan.
(c) The refusal of Portugal to come into the war on the side of the Nazis.
(d) A direct hit one of Dresden's most productive factories.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was protecting British supply ships in the Mediterranean?

2. What did the United States government say publicly about the war?

3. Who had German agents tailing him in London?

4. What was one thing Stevenson saw a value in during the time between world wars?

5. What did Stevenson and a chemical engineer figure out how to do?

(see the answer keys)

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