A Lover's Discourse: Fragments Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Lover's Discourse: Fragments Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 129 through 182.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What image does the author evoke to represent the "exuberance" that results from constantly expending love?
(a) A wild ocean.
(b) A vast desert.
(c) A deep well.
(d) An overflowing fountain.

2. What does the lover give the other when he offers a gift?
(a) An expensive token of affection.
(b) Something useless and impractical.
(c) Something he has touched and invested with emotion.
(d) A souvenir of happier times.

3. What is the "ordeal" described in the section called Fade-out.
(a) For no apparent reason the loved being withdraws from all contact.
(b) The lover's favorite jeans fade.
(c) The loved being's physical beauty begins to fade.
(d) The loved being's mother dies.

4. "In the loving calm of your arms" describes the embrace of total union between lovers. What contradiction does the lover experience?
(a) The lover feels both male and female.
(b) The lover is both child and adult.
(c) The lover is neither completely awake or asleep.
(d) The lover is both mother and father.

5. According to the author, who carries out the "discourse of absence" historically?
(a) The Man.
(b) The Woman.
(c) The father.
(d) The mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. Blue Coat and Yellow Vest/Habiliment refers, in general, to which kind of clothing?

2. In "Catastrophe," what causes the lover's panic?

3. To what does the "ghost ship," in the section entitled The Ghost Ship/Errantry refer?

4. What is the preferred response to the utterance "I love you?"

5. What does the subtitle of this section, "to circumscribe," refer to?

(see the answer key)

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