A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make It Work Test | Final Test - Medium

Michelle Duggar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make It Work Test | Final Test - Medium

Michelle Duggar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the step the Duggars took to make sure they could easily recognize their baggage at the airport?
(a) Used digital beepers with a control carried by Jim Bob.
(b) Always used bright pink travel tags.
(c) Tied bright ribbons on them.
(d) Always carried matching bags.

2. Which of the following was NOT one of the ways Michelle might help the children study character qualities?
(a) Perform acts of that quality in secret.
(b) Find examples of that quality in their studies.
(c) Evaluate the root words for the qualities they're studying.
(d) Notice the quality in other family members.

3. What did Michelle say was the most precious way Jim Bob demonstrates his love for her?
(a) By being her spiritual leader.
(b) By willingly sharing his heart.
(c) Through physical intimacy.
(d) By being a good father.

4. Who was the child Michelle and Jim Bob couldn't immediately name during the Mike Huckabee news show?
(a) Jordyn.
(b) Jennifer.
(c) The daughter of a production cast member.
(d) Jessa.

5. What was the Duggar attitude about a messy house?
(a) They required a thorough cleaning each week.
(b) They were always prepared fo rcompany.
(c) They required a thorough cleaning each month.
(d) They didn't stress over it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Michelle say was the biggest challenge she faced as a homeschool teacher?

2. What did Michelle say was the usual snack at the Duggar home?

3. How often did Nana help with the Duggars' laundry?

4. What was the purpose of the two kitchens in the Duggar house?

5. What is the "big question" the Duggars said they know other people are asking?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the situation in which James was asked to sweep the kitchen and how he eventually got the job finished.

2. What was the image Jim Bob gave regarding spitting into a cup and what was the purpose of that example?

3. What were the rules at the Duggar household about the Internet?

4. What did the Duggars say was "the big question" and what was their answer to it?

5. List at least three of the rules Michelle has for children who are at the grocery store.

6. List the rule that prompted the Duggars to live without air conditioning for a year and how they applied that to their own lives.

7. What does Jim Bob tell the children about how and why Bible time has benefited him?

8. What was the story Jim Bob and Michelle related about the woman who'd chosen accounting for a career?

9. Briefly describe how the Duggars pack for a trip?

10. Describe the incident involving the pineapple chunks and what was the lesson Michelle took from that incident?

(see the answer keys)

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