A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make It Work Test | Final Test - Easy

Michelle Duggar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make It Work Test | Final Test - Easy

Michelle Duggar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old was Jim Bob when he and Michelle married?
(a) Nineteen.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Eighteen.
(d) Twenty-one.

2. What was the first item on the evaluations for a spouse created by Jana?
(a) A deeply-committed Christian.
(b) Willing to have many children.
(c) A good listener.
(d) Willing to compromise.

3. What did Michelle say was the most precious way Jim Bob demonstrates his love for her?
(a) By being her spiritual leader.
(b) Through physical intimacy.
(c) By willingly sharing his heart.
(d) By being a good father.

4. What was the comparison the funeral director made on the back of the leaflet at Grandpa Duggar's funeral?
(a) That he was like pickles.
(b) That he was like mustard.
(c) That he was like ketchup.
(d) That he was like salt.

5. How much did Josh pay for the Mazda pickup he bought when he was a young teenager?
(a) $250.
(b) $200.
(c) $150.
(d) $100.

6. Where were Jana and John--David when Michelle finally moved back to Springdale with baby Josie?
(a) Keeping the children who had chicken pox at Josh's house.
(b) On a mission trip.
(c) Visiting friends in Tennessee.
(d) Staying with their grandmother in Ohio.

7. What did Michelle say was the biggest challenge she faced as a homeschool teacher?
(a) Keeping up with the housework while teaching.
(b) Making her children thirst for God's Word.
(c) Meeting the demands of different age groups.
(d) Keeping babies quiet while teaching the older children.

8. What was the concern the Duggar children faced about their gift-wrapped items when they were headed to El Salvador?
(a) Whether they would survive the rough handling in baggage.
(b) Whether they would survive without tearing the wrapping.
(c) Whether they would pass through customs unopened.
(d) Whether they would be confiscated by the corrupt officials.

9. When did Michelle say she and Jim Bob decided to homeschool their children?
(a) When Josh was in second grade.
(b) Before Josh started school.
(c) When Josh came home from school with a bad grade.
(d) When Josh was in fifth grade.

10. What did Jim Bob tell the children to do when they sensed he was becoming angry?
(a) Pray.
(b) Call Michelle.
(c) Gently tell him so.
(d) Leave the room.

11. Which of the following was NOT one of the ways Michelle might help the children study character qualities?
(a) Perform acts of that quality in secret.
(b) Evaluate the root words for the qualities they're studying.
(c) Notice the quality in other family members.
(d) Find examples of that quality in their studies.

12. What did Michelle say was always her reaction when she saw a young mother out in public?
(a) To offer a smile or words or encouragement.
(b) To point it out to her daughters.
(c) To offer to help with the children.
(d) To remember when she was struggling.

13. Why did Michelle and Jim Bob almost always have a child with them when they're working?
(a) To give one-on-one time with the children.
(b) Because there's always a child who wants to be there.
(c) To teach the children.
(d) The children have to learn to help at an early age.

14. What did Michelle say was the usual snack at the Duggar home?
(a) Fruits and vegetables.
(b) Cookies and cakes.
(c) Crackers and cookies.
(d) Donuts.

15. Why couldn't Michelle hold each of her children when she met up with them at her father's funeral?
(a) She didn't attend the funeral.
(b) The children didn't attend the funeral.
(c) There simply wasn't time.
(d) She couldn't risk exposing Josie to chicken pox.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was the child Michelle and Jim Bob couldn't immediately name during the Mike Huckabee news show?

2. What was the significance of the date, July 10, 2010, for the Duggar family?

3. What is the first goal Jim Bob and Michelle had for each of their children?

4. What was the name of the Sunday School class at the Temple Baptist Church in which the entire Duggar family spent time in worship together?

5. What was Jackson's reaction when he heard that his grandfather had died?

(see the answer keys)

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