A Long Way from Chicago Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Long Way from Chicago Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Mary Alice during her trip to Grandma Dowdel's in "The Day of Judgment"?
(a) 12.
(b) 10.
(c) 8.
(d) 13.

2. What kind of stew does the Anti-Horse-Thief Society sell at the county fair in "The Day of Judgment"?
(a) Labskaus.
(b) Burgoo.
(c) Cacciucco.
(d) Bigos.

3. What kind of car does the narrator describe Al Capone owning in "The Day of Judgment"?
(a) A Corvette convertible.
(b) A Rolls Royce limousine.
(c) A red Model-T Ford.
(d) A Lincoln limousine.

4. What is the name of the dairy delivery boy in "The Mouse in the Milk"?
(a) Ernie Cowgill.
(b) L. J. Weidenbach.
(c) Peter Cowgill.
(d) Jack Cowgill.

5. Why does Grandma Dowdel refuse to take her pie and register it at the Domestic Services tent as soon as she arrives at the fair in "The Day of Judgment"?
(a) Because she distrusts the other competitors.
(b) Because the pie will melt.
(c) Because it is too cold in the tent.
(d) Because the livestock draws flies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What manufacturing company has a big tent set up to show huskers and combines at the county fair in "The Day of Judgment"?

2. What does Grandma Dowdel put in the bottom of the cauldron to prevent her apple butter from sticking?

3. What is the name of the general store described downtown where Grandma Dowdel lives?

4. In what year is "The Day of Judgment" set?

5. In what year is "A One-Woman Crime Wave" set?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are the sheriff and Chamber of Commerce president described when Joey, Mary Alice, and Grandma encounter them after fishing in “A One Woman Crime Wave"?

2. Why does Shotgun Cheatham's death raise interest in out-of-towners in "Shotgun Cheatham's Last Night Above Ground"?

3. Who is Grandma Dowdel's biggest opposition in the cooking contest at the fair in "The Day of Judgment"? How is this character described?

4. How does the narrator describe the process of preparing Grandma's pie in "The Day of Judgment"?

5. How does the author establish an atmosphere of the Chicago gangster scene in "Shotgun Cheatham's Last Night Above Ground"?

6. What violent events occur on Mary Alice and Joey's first night at Grandma Dowdel's house in "The Mouse in the Milk"?

7. How does Grandma Dowdel go about baiting the Cowgill boys to her home in "The Mouse in the Milk"?

8. Why does Mrs. Weidenbach come to Grandma Dowdel's home in "The Day of Judgment"?

9. How are the Cowgills described in "The Mouse in the Milk"? What business do they run?

10. What items do Mary Alice and Joey Dowdel bring with them on their trip to Grandma's in "The Mouse in the Milk"? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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