A Long Walk to Water: Based on a True Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Long Walk to Water: Based on a True Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Salva's father when Salva finds him in Chapter 17?
(a) In New York.
(b) In a church.
(c) At his home.
(d) In a clinic.

2. Why does Nya frown after the water begins rushing from the hole in Chapter 14?
(a) Because she fears going to school.
(b) Because she wants to keep going to the pond for water.
(c) Because the water is brown and muddy.
(d) Because the water stops flowing immediately.

3. Who among Salva's brothers is the only one to have survived the war in Chapter 17?
(a) Akeer.
(b) Dep.
(c) Kuol.
(d) Ring.

4. How many children do Chris and Louise have?
(a) Three.
(b) Two.
(c) Four.
(d) Five.

5. What does Salva study in college?
(a) History.
(b) Business.
(c) Theater.
(d) Geology.

6. How old are the youngest boys in Salva's group in Chapter 13?
(a) Three.
(b) Four.
(c) Two.
(d) Five.

7. Toward what country do Salva and the other refugees head after being driven from Ethiopia in Chapter 13?
(a) Chad.
(b) Libya.
(c) Egypt.
(d) Kenya.

8. What does the crew leader reveal his name to be in Chapter 18?
(a) Ariik.
(b) Salva.
(c) Dep.
(d) Akeer.

9. How does Salva's father bless him when they meet in Chapter 17?
(a) He puts a necklace on him.
(b) He sprinkles water on his forehead.
(c) He bows to him.
(d) He gives him a scarab.

10. Why was Nya unable to discern the tribal heritage of the crew leader?
(a) He has no piercings.
(b) He has no tattoos.
(c) He has no scars on his face.
(d) He is not wearing tribal attire.

11. What does Nya's father send her to fetch in Chapter 17?
(a) Pipes.
(b) Water.
(c) Rocks.
(d) A hammer.

12. For how many years has Salva been living in refugee camps in Kenya in the beginning of Chapter 14?
(a) Four years.
(b) Two years.
(c) Six years.
(d) Five years.

13. After six years have passed, when does Salva's narrative pick up in Chapter 12?
(a) September, 1995.
(b) July, 1991.
(c) June, 1990.
(d) March, 1992.

14. From what tribe does Dep say the crew leader is descended in Chapter 18?
(a) Jur-chol.
(b) Shilluk.
(c) Nuer.
(d) Dinka.

15. What is the name of the refugee camp where Salva and the boys arrive in Kenya?
(a) Ifo refugee camp.
(b) Itang refugee camp.
(c) Kakuma refugee camp.
(d) Shilluk refugee camp.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the processing center that Salva and the other boys are taken to in Chapter 15?

2. What is Salva given to eat on the evening of his first day at the refugee camp in Chapter 11?

3. How far did Salva's father walk from his village to reach the clinic?

4. What do the village women gather for the crew in Chapter 12?

5. How many planes does Salva take in order to reach his new home in Chapter 15?

(see the answer keys)

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