A Leg to Stand On Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Leg to Stand On Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. While waiting for villagers to arrive and take him to the hospital, how did Sacks feel?

2. To what did Sacks's various thoughts and themes eventually lead in the end?

3. Where did Sacks finish writing his book?

4. What was the primary reason that Sacks decided not to yell a second time?

5. What did Sacks think when he woke from the surgery?

Short Essay Questions

1. During his descent off the mountain, what is Sacks's connection to humanity? How does this contrast to nature's impersonality?

2. What obvious differences existed between the injuries in Sacks's left leg and his right leg? What was the difference in their effects?

3. What paradoxical command did Sacks find while he was in Limbo? How do you think this contrasted with his previous way of living?

4. With what quote does Sacks begin Chapter Three? How does this set the tone for the entire chapter?

5. What did Sacks think when he saw his left leg for the first time in two weeks? How did his own thoughts tie into the doctor's summary of the recovery?

6. What happened after Sacks tried to catch the bus outside the Kilburn pool? How did this exactly match his previous experiences?

7. How much time does Dr. Swan spend with Sacks prior to the operation? How does this foretell his interactions with Sacks following the operation?

8. How did Sacks treat the warning sign about the bull? What does this reveal about his attitude?

9. Chapter Two begins with the idea that Sacks's story was over. How might the readership have been different if he had actually ended the story here?

10. What is the most basic purpose of classical neurology? As can be inferred from the purpose of Sacks's book, how does classical neurology fall short?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write full personality sketches of these three people: Nurse Solveig, Dr. Swan, and Miss Preston. What role does each person play in the recovery? What is Sacks's opinion of each? In what ways does each person hinder or help Sacks?

Essay Topic 2

What vital support did the surgeon take away when he dismissed Sacks's concerns? When was this support returned? How did Sacks change his career so that he could give this particular support to the patients he treated?

Essay Topic 3

Note Dr. Swan's attitude toward Sacks's injury compared to Sacks's attitude. How do they differ? In Sacks's attitude toward his own injury, what are the elements of a physician? What are the elements of a patient? What does he think of Dr. Swan's professional opinion?

(see the answer keys)

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