A Leg to Stand On Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Leg to Stand On Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long did it take Sacks to reach the final understanding of his various thoughts?
(a) Nearly a decade.
(b) One year.
(c) Half a year.
(d) Several years.

2. When Sacks began to write to Luria, where did Luria live?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Oslo.
(c) Moscow.
(d) Madrid.

3. Where did Sacks finish writing his book?
(a) On a mountain in Costa Rica.
(b) In a village in Norway.
(c) On a mountain in Nicaragua.
(d) In a meadow in New Yor.

4. What was the name of the physiotherapist?
(a) Miss Prestar.
(b) Mrs. Preston.
(c) Miss Blanche.
(d) Miss Preston.

5. Who has written about the "occasions of poetry" (pg 9)?
(a) T. S. Eliot.
(b) Admiral Nelson.
(c) William Shakespeare.
(d) Thomas Gunn.

6. Why did Sacks have strong legs?
(a) He had worked out at the gym for many years.
(b) He was a veteran hiker.
(c) He swam regularly.
(d) He ran marathons.

7. How did Sacks descend the mountain?
(a) By rolling and sliding.
(b) By hobbling on his right leg.
(c) By "rowing" with his arms.
(d) By crawling.

8. Who came up with the phrase "quickening art" which described Sacks's use of music to move down the mountain?
(a) Kant.
(b) Harvey.
(c) Pavlov.
(d) Nietzsche.

9. How did Sacks meet the bull?
(a) He rounded a boulder and it was lying in the path.
(b) The bull looked like a boulder until he got close to it.
(c) He came over a small rise and the bull was lying in the grass.
(d) The bull walked out of a stand of trees.

10. What name did Sacks give his windowless hospital room?
(a) The Monad.
(b) The Tower.
(c) Big Ease.
(d) Little Ease.

11. What analogy does Sacks refer to as he draws the relationship between science and art?
(a) Einstein's theory of relativity.
(b) Archimedes' bathtub.
(c) Newton's apple.
(d) Galileo's earth.

12. How has Sacks written the book A Leg to Stand On?
(a) As a prose poem.
(b) As an expose.
(c) As a novel or short story.
(d) As an autobiography.

13. How is the material in the last chapter presented?
(a) Systematically.
(b) Poetically.
(c) Concisely.
(d) Randomly.

14. What time of day did Sacks awake from his feverish delirium?
(a) Early morning.
(b) Late afternoon.
(c) Evening.
(d) Near midnight.

15. What role did Mary-Kay Wilmers play in Sacks's recovery?
(a) She nursed him in the hospital after his surgery.
(b) She suggested and edited his article entitled "The Leg."
(c) She nursed him in the convalescent home.
(d) She served as the impetus for his philosophical musings about his injury.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did not occur to Sacks until he injured his leg?

2. To what poor instrument did Sacks compare his injured leg?

3. After he fell, what story did Sacks recall the villagers telling him?

4. What was the first exercise that Sacks tried to do with the physiotherapist?

5. Shortly after the sun set, what extraordinary auditory experience did Sacks have?

(see the answer keys)

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