A Language Older Than Words Test | Final Test - Medium

Derrick Jensen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Language Older Than Words Test | Final Test - Medium

Derrick Jensen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What tenet of Christianity does Jensen suggest people may wake one day to find is really true?
(a) There really is a heaven.
(b) There really is karma.
(c) There really is a hell.
(d) There really is a devil.

2. Why does Jensen believe his father continued to call him?
(a) He was still trying to control him.
(b) He was curious about his son's actions.
(c) He loved him.
(d) He wanted to see him again.

3. How does Jensen describe his beginnings in the bee business?
(a) Dishonest.
(b) Draining.
(c) Quick.
(d) Dreamlike.

4. What is the third category of people that Fromm identifies?
(a) Life-affirming.
(b) Good.
(c) Destructive.
(d) A nondestructive, aggressive society.

5. Why does Jensen's friend, John Keeble, like to study hate groups?
(a) They are illogical.
(b) There aren't many of them.
(c) They admit they are racists.
(d) They are complex.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what phrase has Erich Fromm changed Descartes' famous saying "I think, therefore I am?"

2. Jensen is trying to rekindle his love for what sport?

3. Why does Jensen write that he stopped wearing the traditional bee working safety equipment?

4. Which fairy tale does psychologist Rollo May use allegorically?

5. With what disease did the doctors in the hospital misdiagnose Jensen?

Short Essay Questions

1. Briefly describe the parable of the box.

2. What does Jensen say is the real lesson of Jesus?

3. What does Jensen say is the real lesson of Jesus?

4. As a beekeeper, how did Jensen make money with his bees?

5. How do traumatized people act?

6. What does Jensen say is the only honest statement that the editor of a certain paper ever told him?

7. Under what circumstances did the plants become attuned to the brine shrimp?

8. What does Jensen mean when he says that he "died" to Crohn's disease?

9. What was Jensen's experience with Crohn's disease?

10. What does Jensen say that it takes in order for one to get to know oneself?

(see the answer keys)

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