A Language Older Than Words Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Derrick Jensen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Language Older Than Words Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Derrick Jensen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What question does Jensen want answered while he is in school?
(a) Who?
(b) Why?
(c) How?
(d) When?

2. What finally kills Jensen's aphids?
(a) Cold water.
(b) Ladybugs.
(c) Wasps.
(d) Insecticides.

3. Whom did Jensen's father not beat?
(a) Those who didn't deserve it.
(b) His wife
(c) His family.
(d) Those who deserved it.

4. What two things does Jensen indicate are often associated in modern culture?
(a) Violence and sex.
(b) Sex and life.
(c) Sex and death.
(d) Life and violence.

5. What causes Jensen's dog to die?
(a) Stroke.
(b) Coyote.
(c) Old age.
(d) Poison.

6. What does Jensen ultimately believe will happen to the world because of the way humans treat it?
(a) It will explode.
(b) It will be saved.
(c) It will be destroyed.
(d) It will implode.

7. From what Indian tribe is Jeannette Armstrong?
(a) Aztec.
(b) Cherokee.
(c) Okanagan.
(d) Cheyenne.

8. Why does Jensen really go to graduate school?
(a) To keep from having to go to work.
(b) To further his education.
(c) To continue high jumping.
(d) To learn economics.

9. What animal cares for the Sand Creek massacre survivors?
(a) Bear.
(b) Cat.
(c) Wolf.
(d) Buffalo.

10. How does Jensen indicate that our culture uses God?
(a) As a way to control humans.
(b) As a way to encourage humans.
(c) As a way to punish humans.
(d) As a way to make humans better.

11. Under what religious beliefs was Jensen raised?
(a) Baptist.
(b) Jewish.
(c) Buddhist.
(d) Catholic.

12. What does Jensen say saved his life as a child?
(a) His mother.
(b) A teacher.
(c) His dog.
(d) The stars.

13. Jensen says there is a language older than _______________.
(a) Words.
(b) Lies.
(c) Grenades.
(d) Silence.

14. What types of animals does Jensen raise?
(a) Sheep and goats.
(b) Dairy cattle.
(c) Beef cattle.
(d) Chickens and ducks.

15. According to Jensen, what do humans do when they fear their needs won't be met?
(a) Become silent.
(b) Become more determined.
(c) Make demands.
(d) Get angry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of pet did Jensen have as a child?

2. What does Bruce Stewart suggest as the way for the world to get better?

3. Why does Jensen not blow up the dams?

4. What device does Jensen say determines our view of surrounding circumstances?

5. What characterizes the Semai people?

(see the answer keys)

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