A Ladder to the Sky Short Essay - Answer Key

Boyne, John
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Ladder to the Sky Short Essay - Answer Key

Boyne, John
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. Who is Erich Ackermann and what has happened to him at the opening of the novel?

Erich Ackermann is a novelist. He has just become famous when his most recent novel, Dread, won The Prize. As a result of his win, he and his work have become well known, and Erich has been invited to numerous literary festivals and events.

2. Briefly describe Erich's past as related in Part I, Chapter 1.

Erich grew up in Germany. He was a member of the Hitler Youth and followed the Führer. Following the war, he traveled to England where he studied literature and eventually became a professor at King's College.

3. How does Erich meet Maurice, and what are his initial impressions of the young man?

Erich meets Maurice while sitting in the bar of the Savoy Hotel in West Berlin. Maurice is a young, handsome server who catches Erich's eye. Erich's initial impression of Maurice is that he was very beautiful and seemed very good and kind.

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