A Ladder to the Sky Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Boyne, John
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Ladder to the Sky Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Boyne, John
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III, Chapter 1 - Part III, Chapter 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprises Erich about Maurice in Part I, Chapter 5?
(a) His strong wit.
(b) His unrepentant arrogance.
(c) His striking beauty.
(d) His literary larceny.

2. To what city do Erich and Maurice go in Part I, Chapter 2?
(a) Helsinki.
(b) Copenhagen.
(c) Prague.
(d) Odense.

3. What class is Edith teaching?
(a) Creative writing.
(b) Critical writing.
(c) Theories of writing.
(d) Rhetoric.

4. When Dash and Gore take a walk alone together, how does Dash describe Maurice?
(a) As a conjurer.
(b) As an operator.
(c) As a magician.
(d) As a provocateur.

5. What is the last name of Erich, the novelist who narrates the first part of the novel?
(a) Affermann.
(b) Allansonn.
(c) Ackermann.
(d) Andersonn.

Short Answer Questions

1. Erich is delivering a lecture on what subject when a reporter interrupts his class?

2. As Maurice speaks to the principal in the second interlude, what object catches his attention?

3. What is the last name of Edith, Maurice's wife?

4. Who shows up unannounced at Christmas?

5. According to Maurice in the second interlude, what does Maurice look forward to regarding his son?

(see the answer key)

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