A Kierkegaard Anthology Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert W. Bretall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Kierkegaard Anthology Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert W. Bretall
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hegel think truth is according to Chapter 8?
(a) Christ's love.
(b) A whole.
(c) Nothing.
(d) That men need to know Christ.

2. What does Robert Bretall in Chapter 17 say do not really fit together?
(a) Church and the people.
(b) Kierkegaard's life and the effects of his life.
(c) Kierkegaard's love of Regina and his attitude toward her.
(d) Kierkegaard's view on Christ and organized religion.

3. What does Robert Bretall in Chapter 11 say about the views of Kierkegaard on Christianity the year before he dies?
(a) He will reject Christ.
(b) He will think that Christianity is stronger than ever.
(c) He will convert to Catholicism.
(d) He will be disillusioned.

4. What does Kierkegaard argue is the heart of the public?
(a) The press.
(b) The law.
(c) Gambling.
(d) Faith.

5. What does Kierkegaard argue people think about Christ teachings?
(a) They do not respect them.
(b) They are suspicious of them.
(c) They are offended by them.
(d) They love them.

6. How does Kierkegaard see the move towards equality as being?
(a) An illusion.
(b) As progress.
(c) As regression.
(d) A mistake.

7. What is the central concept of Training in Christianity?
(a) Follow the church dogma to the letter.
(b) Love Christ without question.
(c) How to mimic the apostles.
(d) Being "contemporaneous with Christ."

8. What is The Journals the forbearer of?
(a) The Attack Upon Christendom.
(b) His rebuttal of Hegel's views.
(c) His conversion to Christianity.
(d) His faith crisis.

9. What does Kierkegaard think of The Sickness Unto Death?
(a) It is his final word on the subject.
(b) It is a good introductory work.
(c) It is strong.
(d) It is weak.

10. Who did Bishop Mynster influence?
(a) Hegel.
(b) Regina.
(c) Kierkegaard himself.
(d) Kierkegaard's father.

11. What does Kierkegaard argue a Christian needs to be?
(a) A follower.
(b) A leader.
(c) An Apostle.
(d) A prophet.

12. What does Robert Bretall in Chapter 10 say the pseudonymous work aims at?
(a) Convinces people to convert.
(b) Talks about the failures of Christianity.
(c) Tells people the truth without fear of retaliation.
(d) Captures Kierkegaard the man.

13. What does Kierkegaard argue the present is ruled by?
(a) Inequality.
(b) Presidents.
(c) Equality.
(d) Corporation.

14. Who does Kierkegaard argue rules in the modern age?
(a) Government.
(b) Churches.
(c) Christ.
(d) The public.

15. What does Robert Bretall in Chapter 11 say Kierkegaard rejects and critiques?
(a) Christ.
(b) Many central Protestant ideas.
(c) Faith.
(d) Organized churches.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kierkegaard realize in "Rest at the foot of the altar"?

2. Who is still famous for maintaining the doctrine of Justification by Faith against the Catholic view of merit and indulgence?

3. Who is the criticism of Kierkegaard targeted at?

4. What does Kierkegaard argue is both a trap and an illusion?

5. What do many Catholics argue Kierkegaard would have done had he lived?

(see the answer keys)

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