A Is for Alibi Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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A Is for Alibi Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Kinsey meets with Charlotte Mercer, what does Charlotte tell her?

2. While they were at Rosie's, what does Nikki tell Kinsey she is absolutely convinced of?

3. Where does Kinsey keep the information she records on her cases?

4. Nikki served time for this crime. How long was she in jail?

5. What poison was used to kill both Laurence Fife and Libby Glass?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Kinsey finally get in touch with Sharon Napier in Las Vegas, and what happens when she meets with her?

2. What is Charlie's reaction to Nikki Fife's reopening the murder case? What does he say about Gwen Fife, Sharon Napier, and Libby Glass?

3. How does Kinsey get to Las Vegas?

4. Kinsey visits the firm where Libby Glass worked and leaves her card for a Garry Steinberg to call her. Soon she is talking to Charlie Scorsoni who calls her from Denver. What does Kinsey tell Charlie?

5. After meeting Sharon at the casino, Kinsey goes back to her motel room to sleep, still feeling sick, and is woken up by a phone call from Sharon at 8:30 that night. What happens while Kinsey is on the phone with Sharon?

6. Kinsey meets Nikki for the second time at Rosie's Bar. What is Rose's Bar, and what do they discuss there?

7. Gwen tells Kinsey that Laurence had an affair with the wife of a judge. What does Kinsey do with this information, and what does she find out?

8. After Nikki writes Kinsey a check for her services, the women talk about Sharon Napier. Who is Sharon and what does Nikki tell Kinsey about her? Whom does Kinsey suggest she herself should talk to?

9. When Kinsey meets with Gwen for the second time, this time at a restaurant, what does Gwen tell Kinsey about her relationship with Laurence?

10. What does Kinsey find out about the Fife children by talking to Gwen at her dog-grooming business?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What do the element of challenges add to a work of fiction, in particular, the murder mystery novel? What challenges does Kinsey Millhone face in "'A' Is for Alibi"? Give four examples of challenges, and explain how she overcomes or is defeated by these challenges.

Essay Topic 2

"'A' Is for Alibi" is a first-person narrative told from private investigator Kinsey Millhone's point of view. Briefly explain how the first-person narrative is effective and how it is limited. Give four specific examples that show how the story is effective told from Kinsey's point of view, and how our vicarious experience of them is enhanced.

Essay Topic 3

Define climax as part of the plot structure in literature. Where does the climax occur in "'A' Is for Alibi"? What is the result of the events of the climax? What does it reveal about the purpose of the story?

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