A Is for Alibi Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Is for Alibi Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Kinsey think this new information on Lyle's past work life might be important?
(a) He had had access to information on Laurence Fife's medical needs.
(b) He had a lot of skills.
(c) He would have known Laurence's itinerary.
(d) He might have been able to break into the Fife residence to tamper with Laurence's medication.

2. Over dinner at the Ranch House, what does Charlie tell Kinsey about?
(a) His plans for the future.
(b) Laurence's affairs.
(c) His failed marriage.
(d) His difficult childhood

3. What does Greg tell Kinsey about the Labor Day weekend just before Laurence died?
(a) His mother was with her lover that weekend.
(b) The family was all together except for his sister Diane.
(c) He can't remember anything about it.
(d) His father was away in San Francisco.

4. Whom does Kinsey phone to arrange a meeting with soon after she returns from L.A.?
(a) Mrs. Glass.
(b) Her therapist.
(c) Lyle Abernathy.
(d) The Santa Teresa homicide detective.

5. What did Colin notice about Gwen when he and his father visited her?
(a) That she was tall.
(b) That she had brown eyes.
(c) That she had gray hair.
(d) That she was pretty.

Short Answer Questions

1. The day after meeting with Greg Fife, Kinsey meets with his sister Diane. Where do they meet?

2. How does Kinsey feel about Charlie's staying the night at her place?

3. How does Kinsey respond to the Santa Teresa homicide detective's interest in Sharon Napier's death?

4. At their meeting, Kinsey and Diane talk about the family dog, Bruno. What happened to Bruno?

5. As Kinsey meets with Gwen for the third time, what does Kinsey attribute Laurence's interest in Nikki to?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Garry shares his news about Lyle, Gwen Fife calls Kinsey, and they arrange to meet for lunch. What does Gwen tell Kinsey, and how does Kinsey respond?

2. Where does Kinsey go after she has attempted to find out more from Colin about Gwen?

3. On the Monday after her meal with Charlie, Kinsey meets with Con Dolan at homicide. What is the outcome of her meeting with Con?

4. After Diane talks about her parents, Kinsey asks her about Bruno, the dog who died on the last Labor Day weekend Laurence was alive. How does Diane respond to this?

5. After confronting Lyle in L.A., Kinsey goes to the accounting firm where Libby used to work. What does she tell Garry Steinberg that she suspects about Charlie?

6. What is the result of Kinsey's last trip to L.A.?

7. Kinsey now knows that Gwen killed Laurence but is still puzzled about the deaths of Libby and Sharon. She realizes there must be another murderer. Where does she go, and what does she plan to do?

8. What details does Kinsey have to take care of when she returns to her motel in Los Angeles, after concluding her meetings with Greg and Diane Fife?

9. Kinsey decides she has to return to Nikki's beach house to follow up on something. What is it, and what is the result of the follow up?

10. Kinsey takes boxes of Libby's things back to the motel room. What does she do and what does she find?

(see the answer keys)

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