A Is for Alibi Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Is for Alibi Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Kinsey meets with Nikki after visiting the Glasses for the second time, what does she ask Nikki to examine?
(a) Libby's diary for the six months before Laurence died.
(b) Her memory about the Labor Day weekend before Laurence died.
(c) The letter Kinsey found addressed to "Darling Elizabeth."
(d) A newspaper report on Laurence's death.

2. Why was Lyle let go from the work position he had held in the past?
(a) He was chronically late for work.
(b) He had harassed coworkers.
(c) His boss suspected him of burglary.
(d) His boss suspected him of drug use.

3. What emotion does Kinsey feel as she watches Charlie at the restaurant?
(a) Anger.
(b) Fear.
(c) Happiness.
(d) Curiosity.

4. Whom does Kinsey suspect of being responsible for the incident in the Glass's basement?
(a) Mr. Glass.
(b) Charlie Scorsoni.
(c) Lyle Abernathy.
(d) The police.

5. Why is Kinsey disappointed with the homicide detective's conclusions on the "Darling Elizabeth" letter?
(a) It means more time doing forensic work on it.
(b) She was sure it was written by Gwen Fife.
(c) She will have to go to Mrs. Glass with bad news.
(d) She had thought the letter was a fake.

Short Answer Questions

1. Colin Fife shows his mother and Kinsey a photo of Gwen Fife. What does he call Gwen?

2. What did Colin notice about Gwen when he and his father visited her?

3. After Gwen's confession, what does Kinsey believe about Lyle?

4. While visiting Nikki and Colin for the second time, what does Kinsey tell her about Laurence?

5. What does Kinsey learn just after returning to the key place?

Short Essay Questions

1. Kinsey phones Charlotte Mercer after discussing the "Darling Elizabeth" letter with Con Dolan. What does Charlotte tell her? Who can Kinsey now eliminate as suspects? Who can't she eliminate, causing her uneasiness?

2. What is the result of Kinsey's going to the Ranch House restaurant with Charlie?

3. On the Monday after her meal with Charlie, Kinsey meets with Con Dolan at homicide. What is the outcome of her meeting with Con?

4. Kinsey decides she has to return to Nikki's beach house to follow up on something. What is it, and what is the result of the follow up?

5. After confronting Lyle in L.A., Kinsey goes to the accounting firm where Libby used to work. What does she tell Garry Steinberg that she suspects about Charlie?

6. The morning after Sharon Napier's death, Kinsey heads to Salton Sea. Who does she meet there, and what does she learn?

7. Kinsey takes boxes of Libby's things back to the motel room. What does she do and what does she find?

8. After her fight with Charlie, what does Kinsey do? What does this make her realize? What happens when he comes over later to apologize?

9. What does Kinsey do when she returns to the Glass residence the day after the explosion?

10. After fighting and reconciling with Charlie, Kinsey meets with Homicide Detective Dolan again. What does he tell her about the "Darling Elizabeth" letter? How does Kinsey feel about this?

(see the answer keys)

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