A Is for Alibi Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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A Is for Alibi Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At their first meeting, what does Gwen give Kinsey permission to do?
(a) To talk to Gwen's children.
(b) To look into Gwen's financial affairs.
(c) To read Gwen's diaries.
(d) To look into Laurence's medical background.

2. Kinsey walks home after talking to Nikki at Rosie's Bar. How far away does she live?
(a) Four miles.
(b) Half a block.
(c) Half a mile.
(d) Two miles.

3. Once Kinsey gets inside Sharon's apartment, what does she find there?
(a) An unknown intruder who pushes by Kinsey and escapes.
(b) Charlie Scorsoni.
(c) A dead body.
(d) Explosive devices.

4. How is Santa Teresa, where Kinsey works and lives, described in Chapter 2?
(a) As a haven for the rich.
(b) As a slumbering suburb.
(c) As a vital and exciting city.
(d) As a rundown working-class town.

5. When Kinsey asks Charlotte Mercer about Sharon Napier, what does Charlotte tell her?
(a) That Sharon had had an affair with Laurence.
(b) That Laurence had had an affair with Sharon's mother.
(c) That Sharon had dated Laurence Fife's older son.
(d) That she had never heard of her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kinsey asks Nikki what she thinks of Charlie's being responsible for Laurence's death. How does she respond?

2. What is one reason Charlie would like to see Sharon Napier again?

3. What does Kinsey find out that makes her think Nikki might be guilty after all?

4. At their second meeting, Charlie and Kinsey talk about the Fife case. Charlie tells her Laurence travelled the week before he died. Where did Laurence go?

5. Laurence Fife had had a lot of affairs. Gwen told Kinsey that one of his affairs was with Charlotte Mercer. Whom was she married to?

Short Essay Questions

1. Kinsey tells Nikki she believes that Nikki is innocent. She agrees to take the case on certain conditions. What are they? What does Nikki do?

2. After discovering Sharon Napier's whereabouts, Kinsey decides she must visit Los Angeles first. Whom does she go to see there and what does she find out?

3. What is Kinsey Millhone's occupation, and what do we know about her lifestyle?

4. What happens when Lyle comes over to lunch at the Glasses'?

5. What is Kinsey's impression of Las Vegas?

6. At Rosie's, Nikki and Kinsey go over some of the other people who were involved in Laurence's life. Who were Laurence's family members?

7. Before she agrees to work for Nikki, Kinsey questions her about her marriage to Laurence. What does Nikki tell her? How does Kinsey respond to her?

8. After meeting Sharon at the casino, Kinsey goes back to her motel room to sleep, still feeling sick, and is woken up by a phone call from Sharon at 8:30 that night. What happens while Kinsey is on the phone with Sharon?

9. In Chapter 6, where does Kinsey meet Nikki to talk about what she has learned so far? What is the place like? What information do they share?

10. When Kinsey meets with Gwen for the second time, this time at a restaurant, what does Gwen tell Kinsey about her relationship with Laurence?

(see the answer keys)

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