A Is for Alibi Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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A Is for Alibi Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 26.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the evidence against Nikki that helped convict her?
(a) A diary she had kept.
(b) A taped phone call.
(c) A letter left at the crime scene.
(d) An eyewitness account.

2. Where was Charlie supposed to have been the night of Sharon's murder?
(a) Sacramento.
(b) Tucson.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) New York.

3. Where does Kinsey find a letter addressed to "Darling Elizabeth"?
(a) In one of Libby's diaries.
(b) In her mailbox.
(c) Inside a copy of the novel "Pride and Prejudice."
(d) Under her door.

4. What emotion does Kinsey feel as she watches Charlie at the restaurant?
(a) Fear.
(b) Anger.
(c) Curiosity.
(d) Happiness.

5. According to Nikki, why was Laurence Fife taking a medication called HistaDril before he died?
(a) He had high cholesterol.
(b) He had high blood pressure.
(c) He was allergic to dogs.
(d) He had asthma.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kinsey walks home after talking to Nikki at Rosie's Bar. How far away does she live?

2. What does Charlie's secretary give Kinsey when she phones her to ask about his whereabouts when Sharon died?

3. What is the result of what Kinsey does on the insurance fraud case?

4. Soon after visiting Libby's workplace in L.A., Kinsey hears from Charlie Scorsoni. What does she say is the first item on her itinerary?

5. The phone call from Sharon prompts Kinsey to go to Sharon's apartment. What happens there?

(see the answer key)

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