A Is for Alibi Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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A Is for Alibi Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 22.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Kinsey goes to scope out Sharon's apartment before she visits her at her workplace. What does she find at the apartment?
(a) She finds a bum sleeping on the walk.
(b) She finds Charlie Scorsoni.
(c) She finds a motorcycle with California plates.
(d) She finds nothing of interest.

2. Laurence Fife had had a lot of affairs. Gwen told Kinsey that one of his affairs was with Charlotte Mercer. Whom was she married to?
(a) A heart surgeon.
(b) A judge.
(c) A famous lawyer.
(d) Laurence's boss.

3. What does the homicide detective say about Kinsey's involvement in Sharon Napier's death?
(a) He is happy with what she has done so far.
(b) He suspects she may have killed Sharon.
(c) He wants all the details she has about Sharon.
(d) He believes she should take some responsibility for Sharon's death.

4. When Kinsey visits him for the second time, how does Colin respond to Kinsey's questions?
(a) He is upset and doesn't want to answer.
(b) He runs away and hides.
(c) He signs to his mother that he doesn't like Kinsey.
(d) He answers all her questions.

5. Who is Kinsey's detective contact on the Santa Teresa police force?
(a) Shaun Napier.
(b) Henry Pitts.
(c) Con Dolan.
(d) Mark Threadgill.

Short Answer Questions

1. When they talk at Rosie's, what does Nikki say was her reason for staying with Laurence?

2. What is Kinsey suspicious about at the end of her first meeting with Sharon?

3. Where does Kinsey find a letter addressed to "Darling Elizabeth"?

4. Before she leaves the Glass's home, what arrangements does Kinsey make with Mrs. Glass?

5. Kinsey walks home after talking to Nikki at Rosie's Bar. How far away does she live?

(see the answer key)

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