A Is for Alibi Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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A Is for Alibi Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 18.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Diane feel about what happened to Bruno?
(a) She still grieves and wishes he were back.
(b) She blames herself.
(c) She thinks it had something to do with Laurence's death.
(d) She doesn't think it connects to Laurence's death.

2. While they are meeting at Nikki's marital home, what does Nikki tell Kinsey is the reason for Gwen and Laurence's divorce?
(a) Gwen was never home.
(b) Gwen had had an affair.
(c) Laurence many affairs.
(d) Laurence was abusing Gwen.

3. What does Diane want Kinsey to do with a photo album she has?
(a) To keep it in a safe place until the case is solved.
(b) To give it to Gwen.
(c) To give it to her half-brother Colin.
(d) To destroy it.

4. What is Charlie's reaction when Kinsey tells him Libby Glass died only four days after Laurence Fife was murdered?
(a) He is surprised and his hands shake.
(b) He is not surprised and says he knew about her death.
(c) He is not surprised but says it is news to him.
(d) He is surprised but not very interested.

5. Soon after visiting Libby's workplace in L.A., Kinsey hears from Charlie Scorsoni. What does she say is the first item on her itinerary?
(a) She is going to Nevada to find Sharon Napier.
(b) She is going to visit Libby Glass's parents again.
(c) She is going to relax at Disneyland.
(d) She is going to do a criminal check on Charlie.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Kinsey asks Charlotte Mercer about Sharon Napier, what does Charlotte tell her?

2. When Kinsey first visits him, what is the police detective's assessment of the Libby Glass case?

3. During Kinsey's first interview with her, how does Gwen describe herself in her role as Laurence's first wife?

4. What does Kinsey remember about the Laurence Fife case that might be important to his death?

5. Where does Kinsey find a letter addressed to "Darling Elizabeth"?

(see the answer key)

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