A House for Mr Biswas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A House for Mr Biswas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sharma use to treat bedbugs?
(a) Gasoline.
(b) Lysol.
(c) Alcohol.
(d) Kerosene.

2. What does Sharma blame for the failure of the store?
(a) Mr. Biswas' lazy behavior.
(b) The poor economy.
(c) The overuse of credit.
(d) The greed of their customers.

3. How does Mr. Biswas' father die?
(a) He falls off a cliff.
(b) He drowns.
(c) He is murdered by the bandits.
(d) From an infected wound.

4. Who sold Mr. Biswas the house?
(a) A greedy real estate agent.
(b) An old woman who reminded him of his mother.
(c) A solicitor's clerk.
(d) His wealthy uncle.

5. What does Sharma want to have done to the house being built in Book 1, Chapter 5?
(a) She wants electricity installed.
(b) She wants running water inside the house.
(c) She wants the house blessed.
(d) She wants carpet on the bare floors.

6. What is Green Vale?
(a) A hotel run by Seth.
(b) One of the Tulsis' sugar estates.
(c) An English manor.
(d) An estate on the mainland.

7. In Book 1, Chapter 2, who runs away with Dehuti?
(a) Pundit Jairam, her teacher.
(b) Ramchand, Aunt Tara's yard boy.
(c) Mr. Biswas, her brother.
(d) No one.

8. In Book 1, Chapter 5, what gift does Mr. Biswas give Savi?
(a) An elaborate dollhouse.
(b) A chess set.
(c) A porcelain doll.
(d) A beautiful dress.

9. What physical reaction does Mr. Biswas have to stress?
(a) Stomach pains.
(b) Tremors.
(c) Headaches.
(d) Fainting.

10. After recovering from his illness, how does Mr. Biswas view his future?
(a) As bleak and hopeless.
(b) As a new beginning on a new house.
(c) As dedicated to family.
(d) As the beginning of his real life.

11. Which room in Hanuman House does Mr. Biswas occupy while he is ill?
(a) The front living room.
(b) Seth's bedroom.
(c) The back of the kitchen.
(d) Mrs. Tulsi's bedroom.

12. After recovering from his illness, how does Mr. Biswas view his past?
(a) As an unrealized blessing of family and providence.
(b) As counterfeit and a series of cheating accidents.
(c) As confirmation of the pundit's prophecy.
(d) As the result of his marriage to Sharma.

13. Where does Mr. Biswas work with Bhandat, Ajodha's brother?
(a) A factory.
(b) A school.
(c) A sugar cane plantation.
(d) A rum shop.

14. How does Shama react to the purchase of the house?
(a) With feigned indifference.
(b) With anger.
(c) With skepticism.
(d) With enthusiasm.

15. What literature does Mr. Biswas leave open on tables throughout the Hanuman house?
(a) Real estate brochures.
(b) Dry goods catalogs.
(c) Political pamphlets.
(d) Christian booklets.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mr. Biswas anger Owad?

2. In Book 1, Chapter 3, which relative betrays Mr. Biswas to the Tulsis?

3. Why does Pundit Jairam send Mr. Biswas back home?

4. When Mr. Biswas becomes disillusioned about his marriage to Sharma, where does he go?

5. How many days does the pundit recommend Mr. Biswas' father wait before seeing his newborn son?

(see the answer keys)

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