A House Divided Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A House Divided Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says, "I cannot kill--I am not brave, I know"?
(a) Ai-lan's mother.
(b) Yuan.
(c) Ai-lan.
(d) Yuan's father.

2. Why doesn't Yuan want to wear his hat when he gets it back from the white man?
(a) The weather is too warm to wear a hat.
(b) The man dropped it on the ground before giving it back.
(c) He realizes that it isn't his hat.
(d) It still has the other man's smell on it.

3. How does Yuan feel about his studies?
(a) He has trouble learning in his environment.
(b) He thinks it's a waste of time.
(c) He enjoys school and learning.
(d) He despises studying.

4. What does the letter Yuan receives from his father say?
(a) That the prearranged marriage is going on as planned.
(b) That he wants to cancel the prearranged marriage.
(c) That he wants Yuan to come home immediately.
(d) That his ailments are only getting worse.

5. What causes Yuan to remain solitary when he's in America?
(a) His writing consumes his life.
(b) His native pride.
(c) He is suspicious of Americans.
(d) His lack of communication skills.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Yuan respond to his father's reaction to his appearance?

2. When Yuan is alone with the old tenants, why are they suspicious of his motives?

3. Why do other students claim that Yuan is such a good student?

4. What is Yuan still searching for?

5. What is Yuan's favorite subject to learn about?

Short Essay Questions

1. What finally pushes Yuan to join the cause?

2. When Yuan watches Wang the Tiger warm his hands by the fire and sees how frail he looks, how does he feel about him?

3. What is Yuan's reaction to his reflection in the mirror when he first tries on city clothes?

4. When Yuan is sitting by his ill father at the fire, what causes Yuan to start to resent him again?

5. Why is Yuan so proud to call Ai-lan's mother his own mother?

6. Why does Yuan finally decide to learn to dance at the pleasure houses?

7. Why does Yuan go to the coastal city to see his sister and her mother?

8. Why does Yuan sometimes make his homeland seem more perfect than it is?

9. What reason does Yuan give for not being able to join the revolutionaries?

10. What does Yuan think of the women at the pleasure houses?

(see the answer keys)

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