A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Test | Final Test - Easy

Ron Suskind
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Test | Final Test - Easy

Ron Suskind
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cedric have to do to pass Psychology?
(a) Write a paper and do an extra credit project.
(b) Pass the final.
(c) Take a makeup exam.
(d) Write a paper.

2. What will Rob do sophomore year?
(a) Transfer to another college.
(b) Room with Cedric again.
(c) Move Harambee.
(d) Be a peer counselor in the freshman dorms.

3. What grade does Cedric get on his first psychology mid-term?
(a) 85.
(b) 98.
(c) 55.
(d) 30.

4. Who is the girl in Cedric's Richard Wright study group?
(a) Maura Wooley.
(b) Chiniqua Milligan.
(c) Judy Holliday.
(d) Sonya Garza.

5. What does Zayd not like his mother to do in front of other people?
(a) Talk about political issues.
(b) Talk about her past.
(c) Curse.
(d) Hug him.

6. What does Cedric have at home for Thanksgiving?
(a) A meal at the church.
(b) Turkey and all the fixings.
(c) Whatever his mother can afford.
(d) A chicken, potato salad, and macaroni and cheese.

7. What does a middle manager at the Department of Agriculture say when Barbara tells him Cedric is at Brown?
(a) Asks if Cedric is on an athletic scholarship.
(b) Makes a disrespectful comment.
(c) Says she is lying.
(d) Says he will not last long.

8. Where does Cedric go after Thanksgiving dinner?
(a) To see LaTisha.
(b) To Harvard to see friends from the M.I.T. program.
(c) To visit his father.
(d) Back to Brown.

9. How many classes does Cedric plan to take second semester?
(a) Three.
(b) Five.
(c) Four.
(d) Six.

10. Where do Zayd and Cedric go shopping after they become friends again in "A Place Up Ahead"?
(a) Sam Goody's.
(b) Popular Club.
(c) The mall.
(d) Eastside Market.

11. Who sends Cedric $200 a month?
(a) Dr. Korb.
(b) The I Have a Dream Foundation.
(c) Clarence Thomas.
(d) His mother.

12. In Chapter 10, how do Rob and Cedric amend the music rules?
(a) They agree to alternate music.
(b) They agree that bathroom breaks do not count.
(c) They agree not to listen to music.
(d) They use a timer.

13. Who in Cedric's dorm also likes hip-hip music?
(a) Rob Burton.
(b) Phillip Arden.
(c) Sonya Garza.
(d) Zayd Dohrn.

14. Where will Cedric eat Thanksgiving dinner?
(a) In the cafeteria.
(b) At Dr. Korb's home.
(c) At a professor's home.
(d) At home.

15. What is coming for Barbara as March approaches?
(a) A new job.
(b) Another trip to Providence.
(c) A new boyfriend.
(d) Eviction.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gives a concert at Brown on the final blowout weekend?

2. What does Bishop Long do on Cedric's first Sunday home at Christmas?

3. What does Cedric watch on television the night of Rob's birthday party?

4. What is one of the few things that gives Barbara much joy lately now that Cedric is gone?

5. What grade does Zayd get in high school calculus?

(see the answer keys)

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