A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Test | Final Test - Easy

Ron Suskind
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Test | Final Test - Easy

Ron Suskind
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a new addition at Ballou the fall of 1995?
(a) Metal detector.
(b) Armed security guards.
(c) Security guards in every classroom.
(d) Police officers in the halls.

2. Where does Chiniqua return shoes?
(a) Sam Goody's.
(b) Popular Club.
(c) Eastside Market.
(d) The mall.

3. What does Cedric smell everywhere at Ballou on Alumni Day?
(a) Body odor.
(b) Despair.
(c) Drugs.
(d) Trash.

4. How is LaTisha doing at college?
(a) She is struggling and will only take two classes next semester.
(b) She is transferring to a better school.
(c) She has dropped out.
(d) She is getting all As.

5. Who in Cedric's dorm also likes hip-hip music?
(a) Phillip Arden.
(b) Zayd Dohrn.
(c) Rob Burton.
(d) Sonya Garza.

6. Where does Cedric take Chiniqua out to eat in April?
(a) McDonalds.
(b) Adesso.
(c) The Underground.
(d) Burger King.

7. What does Zayd not like his mother to do in front of other people?
(a) Talk about her past.
(b) Curse.
(c) Talk about political issues.
(d) Hug him.

8. Why do minority students not seek out counseling or tutoring?
(a) Pride.
(b) Do not realize it is available.
(c) It costs extra.
(d) Afraid doing so will reveal a second-class status.

9. What does Cedric have at home for Thanksgiving?
(a) A meal at the church.
(b) Whatever his mother can afford.
(c) A chicken, potato salad, and macaroni and cheese.
(d) Turkey and all the fixings.

10. What does Cedric do on Saturday nights the first month at college?
(a) Hang out with his roommate.
(b) Laundry.
(c) Do things with Chiniqua.
(d) Go to parties.

11. What grade does Cedric think he got on his calculus mid-term?
(a) D.
(b) C.
(c) A.
(d) B.

12. What is the only class Cedric is not worried about at mid-term?
(a) Psychology.
(b) Spanish.
(c) Discrete Math.
(d) Calculus.

13. Who sends Cedric $200 a month?
(a) Dr. Korb.
(b) His mother.
(c) Clarence Thomas.
(d) The I Have a Dream Foundation.

14. Who is the girl in Cedric's Richard Wright study group?
(a) Sonya Garza.
(b) Chiniqua Milligan.
(c) Maura Wooley.
(d) Judy Holliday.

15. Why is Barbara not evicted after Cedric comes home for the summer?
(a) Cedric pays the rent.
(b) A minister from church pays the rent.
(c) Neddy pays the rent.
(d) The landlord decides to give Barbara one more extension.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cedric have to do to pass Psychology?

2. What bothers Cedric about the teacher in the class he observes?

3. What is coming for Barbara as March approaches?

4. What does Cedric do when he goes to a party with Chiniqua at Harambee House for the first time?

5. Why does Cedric need a request form signed by Professor James?

(see the answer keys)

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